2001-2002 ANNUAL REPORT - AUTO21

2001-2002 ANNUAL REPORT - AUTO21 2001-2002 ANNUAL REPORT - AUTO21


4 Driving innovation through research excellenceYEAR IN REVIEWM ARCH 2001Industry Minister Brian Tobin and Deputy PrimeMinister Herb Gray announced the initial funding forthe new AUTO21 Network of Centres of Excellence atthe University of Windsor. The Government of Canadais providing approximately $23 million in funding overfour years. The University of Windsor was announced asthe Network's host institution.A UGUST 2001The AUTO21 Administrative Centre moved into thenewly renovated Centre for Automotive Research andEducation, part of the University of Windsor's Faculty ofEngineering. Staffing for administrative roles began.AUTO21 ProgramLeader, Mr. Peter Frise,visited the ForesightVehicle program atthe Motor IndustriesResearch AssociationProving Groundsin Great Britain. Foresight Vehicle is the primaryautomotive research and development program in theUnited Kingdom.M ARCH 2002The AUTO21 Network of Centres of Excellence hasenjoyed great support from Industry Canada and theDepartment of Foreign Affairs and International Trade(DFAIT) through the Consulate-General in Detroit.With assistance from DFAIT, AUTO21 participated inthe Canadian Pavilion at the Society of AutomotiveEngineers (SAE) Conference in Detroit, Michigan.F EBRUARY 2002AUTO21 administrative staff hosted a visit from theJapanese Consul General. Mr. Frise met with Mr. TakashiKoezuka, Consul-General of Japan, for a discussionabout the Canadian and Japanese auto industries andhow research partnerships between the two countriescould be strengthened.DFAIT also assisted with AUTO21's participationin Canada Day at the U.S. Army's Tank Automotive andArmaments Command facility (TACOM) in Michigan.Mr. Bill Woodward, AUTO21 Managing Director,Ms. Stephanie Campeau, Communications Manager,and Mr. Peter Frise, Program Leader, staffed the AUTO21information booth. Dr Frise also presented an overviewof AUTO21 to TACOM personnel.In partnership with Industry Canada and theCanadian Council of Professional Engineers, AUTO21hosted "Engineers of Tomorrow", a roundtablediscussion for senior automotive executives to providefeedback on how to best prepare young engineers forfutures in the auto industry. Information from thisroundtable will be used by AUTO21 administration toplan its highly qualified personnel (HQP) strategies.

AUTO21 2001-2002 ANNUAL REPORT 5FIRST-YEAR HIGHLIGHTSFast FactsIndustry Partners 75University Partners 28Hospitals/institution Partners 2Government Partners 28AUTO21 administrative staff 5Research projects 28Students working on AUTO21 projects 152Researchers 243Amount (in millions of $)NCE funding 4.8Initial industry support (cash) 1.2Initial industry support (in-kind) 1.6NCE Research disbursements in 2001/2002 4.5P ROJECT ACCOMPLISHMENTSConferences, Presentations and PapersTheme FITS 2002March 25-26, 2002 - Mississauga, OntarioDr. Denis Gingras, Theme F Coordinator presented"IMSI, AUTO21 and Intelligent Systems and SensorsApplied to the Automotive Industry and RoadTransportation: an Overview of These New CanadianInitiatives."Project A02: Vehicle Safety for VulnerablePopulationsInternational Conference on Technology and AgingSeptember 12-14, 2001 - Toronto, OntarioDr. Jan Polgar provided a display on her research"Safety Transportation for Seniors."Project A03: Industrial Health and Safetyin the Auto IndustryCallaghan, J.P., Salewytsch, A.J., Andrews, D.M."An Evaluation of Predictive Methods for EstimatingCumulative Spinal Loading".Ergonomics 44 (9):825-837, 2001.Sullivan, D., Bryden P., Callaghan, J.P. "Inter- andIntra-observer Reliability of Calculating CumulativeLumbar Spine Loads". Ergonomics, accepted 2001.Project B01: Public Policy and the Automobilein CanadaBiennial Meeting of the Association for CanadianStudies in the United StatesNovember 2001 - San Antonio, Texas, United StatesDr. Maureen Molot: "NAFTA: Is There a Road Map?"Molot, M., Eden L. "Insiders, Outsiders and Host CountryBargains." Journal of International Management.Accepted 2002.Molot, M. "The Border and the Automotive Industry: HowMuch Does the Border Matter?" in "Rethinking the Line:The Canada-U.S. Border" eds by Roberge, R., and Wolfish, D.(book under review by SUNY Press)Project C03: Polymer CompositesSain, M.M.; "Analysis of Effects of Long-term Stress andAging on Mechanical Performance of DiscontinuousNatural Fibre-Polymer Composites"; Proc. Cancom 2001;pp. 335-339, August 2001, Montreal, QuebecUMCH ConferenceJanuary 22, 2002 - Prague, CzechoslovakiaDr. Bohuslav Kokta: "PE Reinforced Composites."Paptac International ConferenceJanuary 29-31, 2002 - Montreal, QuebecDr. David Rouison, Dr. M. Sain, and Schmidhauser:"Surface Sizing of Wood Pulp with SMA."SAE 2002 World Congress & ExhibitionMarch 2002 - Detroit, Michigan, United StatesDr. Phil Bates: "Vibration Welding Scale Up - AComparison of Laboratory and Industrial Components."Polymer Institute Bratislava ConferenceMarch 13, 2002 - Slovak RepublicDr. Bohuslav Kokta: "PE and PP Reinforced Composites."UMCH ConferenceMarch 20, 2002 - Prague, CzechoslovakiaDr. Bohuslav Kokta: "PE and PP Reinforced Composites."Project C06: Advanced Manufacturing, Assemblyand InspectionSPIE-Photonics Boston 2001October 28- November 2, 2001 - Boston,Massachusetts, United StatesChang, D., Spence, A., Bigg, S., Heslip, J., Peterson J.,"An Open Architecture CMM Motion Controller."

4 Driving innovation through research excellenceYEAR IN REVIEWM ARCH <strong>2001</strong>Industry Minister Brian Tobin and Deputy PrimeMinister Herb Gray announced the initial funding forthe new <strong>AUTO21</strong> Network of Centres of Excellence atthe University of Windsor. The Government of Canadais providing approximately $23 million in funding overfour years. The University of Windsor was announced asthe Network's host institution.A UGUST <strong>2001</strong>The <strong>AUTO21</strong> Administrative Centre moved into thenewly renovated Centre for Automotive Research andEducation, part of the University of Windsor's Faculty ofEngineering. Staffing for administrative roles began.<strong>AUTO21</strong> ProgramLeader, Mr. Peter Frise,visited the ForesightVehicle program atthe Motor IndustriesResearch AssociationProving Groundsin Great Britain. Foresight Vehicle is the primaryautomotive research and development program in theUnited Kingdom.M ARCH <strong>2002</strong>The <strong>AUTO21</strong> Network of Centres of Excellence hasenjoyed great support from Industry Canada and theDepartment of Foreign Affairs and International Trade(DFAIT) through the Consulate-General in Detroit.With assistance from DFAIT, <strong>AUTO21</strong> participated inthe Canadian Pavilion at the Society of AutomotiveEngineers (SAE) Conference in Detroit, Michigan.F EBRUARY <strong>2002</strong><strong>AUTO21</strong> administrative staff hosted a visit from theJapanese Consul General. Mr. Frise met with Mr. TakashiKoezuka, Consul-General of Japan, for a discussionabout the Canadian and Japanese auto industries andhow research partnerships between the two countriescould be strengthened.DFAIT also assisted with <strong>AUTO21</strong>'s participationin Canada Day at the U.S. Army's Tank Automotive andArmaments Command facility (TACOM) in Michigan.Mr. Bill Woodward, <strong>AUTO21</strong> Managing Director,Ms. Stephanie Campeau, Communications Manager,and Mr. Peter Frise, Program Leader, staffed the <strong>AUTO21</strong>information booth. Dr Frise also presented an overviewof <strong>AUTO21</strong> to TACOM personnel.In partnership with Industry Canada and theCanadian Council of Professional Engineers, <strong>AUTO21</strong>hosted "Engineers of Tomorrow", a roundtablediscussion for senior automotive executives to providefeedback on how to best prepare young engineers forfutures in the auto industry. Information from thisroundtable will be used by <strong>AUTO21</strong> administration toplan its highly qualified personnel (HQP) strategies.

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