2001-2002 ANNUAL REPORT - AUTO21

2001-2002 ANNUAL REPORT - AUTO21 2001-2002 ANNUAL REPORT - AUTO21


2 Driving innovation through research excellenceMESSAGE FROM BOARD CHAIRThe Network of Centres of Excellence program focuses on collaborativeresearch between universities, governments andindustry resulting in new, leading-edge technologiesand their deployment in the Canadianautomotive industry.— Dr. Inge L.H. HanssonThe year 2001/2002 has been a remarkably fastinitiation period for the AUTO21 Network ofCentres of Excellence. Only twelve months ago,the AUTO21 program consisted of three thick proposalbooks created by enthusiastic committees anddedicated individuals from university, governmentand industry, who were determined to help positionCanada as a leader in automotive research anddevelopment. Today, that initial hard work hasdeveloped into the flourishing AUTO21 Networkof more than 200 researchers, 28 universities, 100industry, institution and government partners,a Board of Directors consisting of 16 members, andan administrative centre with a core staff of fiveemployees.The research projects, with theirmulti-stakeholder partnership arrangements,are the heart of AUTO21 and we are fortunate to haveCanada's top researchers and research managers aspart of AUTO21. Each of the 28 research projectsdisplays a high level of innovation and researchexcellence that will positively contribute to Canada'sreputation as one of the world leaders in automotiveresearch and development.The Network of Centres of Excellence programfocuses on collaborative research between universities,governments and industry resulting in new,leading-edge technologies and their deploymentin the Canadian automotive industry. The AUTO21Network of Centres of Excellence thrives on thismandate. With the help of close to 75 industrypartners, tomorrow's needs are being anticipated andaddressed today. As AUTO21 takes its place as a sourcefor both Canadian innovation and highly qualifiedpersonnel, the industry support will continue to grow.The Board of Directors has had a challenging,but exciting year. Creating a new Network requires agreat deal of time, effort and commitment. The Boardmembers have continuously demonstrated theirdedication and genuine interest in guiding AUTO21through its initial year of operation. The coming yearwill be even more exciting as we create growthstrategies for AUTO21, and determine content toaddress the major research and development needsof the broader Canadian automotive sector.On behalf of all involved parties, I would like tothank AUTO21's Board of Directors for their hard workand the Administrative Centre staff for their dedicationin making AUTO21 a role model for collaborative,multi-disciplinary research administration.Dr. Inge L.H. HanssonChair of the Board of DirectorsMarch 31, 2002

AUTO21 2001-2002 ANNUAL REPORT 3MESSAGE FROM THE PROGRAM LEADER AND MANAGING DIRECTORThe past several months have been very excitingfor the AUTO21 Network of Centres ofExcellence. Since funding was announced inMarch 2001 for AUTO21, it has been a time of newbeginnings, new alliances and rapid growth.For those involved in the initial AUTO21proposal to the NCE Directorate, it has been fulfillingto see AUTO21 grow. In November 2001, a supportiveand dynamic Board of Directors formed to steer theactivities of AUTO21. Located across Canada, the Boardmembers are leaders in their fields, and we arefortunate to have their wisdom and experience to helpguide our success.We are also fortunate to enjoy a good workingrelationship with our host institution, the Universityof Windsor. Their support and generosity have beengreatly appreciated in both providing a home for theAUTO21 Administrative Centre, and in assistingAUTO21 with administrative support in its early days.We are pleased that staffing for roles within theadministrative centre is nearly complete, with five keymembers on the AUTO21 team, and plans to fill theremaining two vacancies shortly.While many milestones have been met duringthe past year, two of the most important were thefunding of the 28 projects that form AUTO21 and thesupport of the students working on those projects.In August and September 2001, AUTO21 administrativestaff managed a formidable effort to complete networkagreements with the 28 universities and more than 200project researchers. This effort culminated in the firstdisbursement of funds for AUTO21 projects in October.Each of these 28 projects has the potential to influencethe Canadian automotive industry and society. Theprojects are well underway, and a number have alreadystarted to report initial results at conferences and inresearch publications.As a Canadian Network of Centres of Excellence,AUTO21 is committed to increasing the number ofhighly qualified personnel for the Canadian autoindustry. In its first six months of operation, AUTO21projects provided approximately 100 graduatestudents and post-doctoral fellows an opportunityto gain valuable experience in this highly competitiveindustry. We are developing both the innovativesolutions to help develop the automobile in the 21 stcentury, and the highly qualified personnel who willcontribute to the Canadian automotive industry inthe years to come.The upcoming year promises to be just asexciting as our first few months of operation. Key toAUTO21's success is the collaborative partnershipbetween university researchers and industry. Initialindustry support was beyond expectations, and asawareness of AUTO21 increases amongst industryleaders, these partnerships continue to grow. This solidshow of support from Canadian industry validates therole of AUTO21. We are not just a virtual researchinstitute - we are on our way to becoming one ofCanada's leading sources for new automotivetechnology research.Our second year of operation also sees oursecond targeted call for proposals. New projectsarising from this call for proposals will expand thescope of research, and potentially bring newresearchers and industry and university partnersinto the Network.We are also looking forward to the first AUTO21Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference tobe held in Toronto from September 26 - 28, 2002. Thisevent will provide an opportunity for the researchersto gather from across Canada to share findings andexplore new collaborations.Now fully operational, AUTO21 is on the road toautomotive research and development success. Withthe continued support of our researchers, industry,institution and government partners, we will driveforward Canada's reputation as an innovative leaderin automotive-related research.Mr. Peter R. FriseProgram LeaderMr. Bill WoodwardManaging Director

<strong>AUTO21</strong> <strong>2001</strong>-<strong>2002</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong> 3MESSAGE FROM THE PROGRAM LEADER AND MANAGING DIRECTORThe past several months have been very excitingfor the <strong>AUTO21</strong> Network of Centres ofExcellence. Since funding was announced inMarch <strong>2001</strong> for <strong>AUTO21</strong>, it has been a time of newbeginnings, new alliances and rapid growth.For those involved in the initial <strong>AUTO21</strong>proposal to the NCE Directorate, it has been fulfillingto see <strong>AUTO21</strong> grow. In November <strong>2001</strong>, a supportiveand dynamic Board of Directors formed to steer theactivities of <strong>AUTO21</strong>. Located across Canada, the Boardmembers are leaders in their fields, and we arefortunate to have their wisdom and experience to helpguide our success.We are also fortunate to enjoy a good workingrelationship with our host institution, the Universityof Windsor. Their support and generosity have beengreatly appreciated in both providing a home for the<strong>AUTO21</strong> Administrative Centre, and in assisting<strong>AUTO21</strong> with administrative support in its early days.We are pleased that staffing for roles within theadministrative centre is nearly complete, with five keymembers on the <strong>AUTO21</strong> team, and plans to fill theremaining two vacancies shortly.While many milestones have been met duringthe past year, two of the most important were thefunding of the 28 projects that form <strong>AUTO21</strong> and thesupport of the students working on those projects.In August and September <strong>2001</strong>, <strong>AUTO21</strong> administrativestaff managed a formidable effort to complete networkagreements with the 28 universities and more than 200project researchers. This effort culminated in the firstdisbursement of funds for <strong>AUTO21</strong> projects in October.Each of these 28 projects has the potential to influencethe Canadian automotive industry and society. Theprojects are well underway, and a number have alreadystarted to report initial results at conferences and inresearch publications.As a Canadian Network of Centres of Excellence,<strong>AUTO21</strong> is committed to increasing the number ofhighly qualified personnel for the Canadian autoindustry. In its first six months of operation, <strong>AUTO21</strong>projects provided approximately 100 graduatestudents and post-doctoral fellows an opportunityto gain valuable experience in this highly competitiveindustry. We are developing both the innovativesolutions to help develop the automobile in the 21 stcentury, and the highly qualified personnel who willcontribute to the Canadian automotive industry inthe years to come.The upcoming year promises to be just asexciting as our first few months of operation. Key to<strong>AUTO21</strong>'s success is the collaborative partnershipbetween university researchers and industry. Initialindustry support was beyond expectations, and asawareness of <strong>AUTO21</strong> increases amongst industryleaders, these partnerships continue to grow. This solidshow of support from Canadian industry validates therole of <strong>AUTO21</strong>. We are not just a virtual researchinstitute - we are on our way to becoming one ofCanada's leading sources for new automotivetechnology research.Our second year of operation also sees oursecond targeted call for proposals. New projectsarising from this call for proposals will expand thescope of research, and potentially bring newresearchers and industry and university partnersinto the Network.We are also looking forward to the first <strong>AUTO21</strong>Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference tobe held in Toronto from September 26 - 28, <strong>2002</strong>. Thisevent will provide an opportunity for the researchersto gather from across Canada to share findings andexplore new collaborations.Now fully operational, <strong>AUTO21</strong> is on the road toautomotive research and development success. Withthe continued support of our researchers, industry,institution and government partners, we will driveforward Canada's reputation as an innovative leaderin automotive-related research.Mr. Peter R. FriseProgram LeaderMr. Bill WoodwardManaging Director

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