Managing Conflict of Interest - Organisation for Economic Co ...

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42 Managing Conflict of Interestan embarrassment. There has been much ridicule of theexcuses made by former untouchables. Mr. Nastase, a formerPrime Minister, said his wealth came from his wife’selderly aunt, who had applied previously hidden talents tothe property market.Concluding Thoughts: Dos and Don’ts for Asset Disclosure Laws• Require full disclosure: Remember that the primary purposeof an asset disclosure program is not punitive. Rather, itsmain purpose is to bolster citizens’ confidence in their governmentby showing that the great majority of public servantslive within their means. Full disclosure will put to restmany wild rumors about this or that official.• Make disclosures public: Disclosures should be made public.This is a growing trend as governments recognize thatpublic disclosure helps boost confidence in government,while at the same, giving journalists and civil society groupsa role in policing the accuracy of the disclosures.• Separate administrative from policing functions: The agencyin charge of income and asset disclosure should not be theprimary enforcer, for there is a high risk that its role in helpingto ensure voluntary compliance will get lost. Cops andsocial workers do not mix. The agency can report non-filersto the prosecutor or police, refer allegations of false filings,and conduct some basic checks. In Argentina, the agency incharge cross-checks filings against land records. In Madagascar,it compares filings with tax records. Until recently,the Argentine office posted the names of non-filers or thosewhose declarations appeared to be inaccurate. This was theoffice’s way of pressuring the judiciary to pursue the case.• Clarify legal requirements and roles/responsibilities: Incomeand asset disclosure laws have failed in some places becauseof a lack of clarity about who is required to disclose and towhom, what must be disclosed, what the consequences of anintentional failure to disclose are, and which entity is responsiblefor prosecuting failures to disclose. One objection to anincome and asset disclosure program is that the dishonestwill simply hide their assets, putting them in their spouse’sname or the name of an unrelated person. The law needsADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific

Defining Conflict of Interest 43to be clear that however the asset is formally titled, if theofficial is the one who enjoys its use and benefit (a commonlawtrust in Anglo-American legal terminology), the officialmust disclose it. The law should also specify precisely who isrequired to disclose, either by type of position (minister, secretarygeneral, judge) or according to pay scale. Terms suchas “verify” and “investigate” need to be carefully defined inthe law. Prosecutors sometimes claim they alone have thepower to investigate and thus stymie personnel in anti-corruptionagencies who seek to inquire into the accuracy of adeclarant’s statement.• Provide appropriate incentives to thwart possible accomplicesand simplify prosecution: One strength of an anti-corruptionenforcement strategy built around income and assetdisclosure is that it lessens the threat to civil liberties andabuse of enforcement tools that can result from an aggressivecampaign to root out bribery. Bribery is a difficult crimeto prove, and police and prosecutors often must turn towiretapping, eavesdropping, sting operations, and othertechniques that can easily be abused. The filing of a falsedeclaration is a much easier case to make. It can be madeeven easier if one provides a bounty for those asked tohelp an official conceal income or assets—that is, if lawyers,accountants, bankers, and whoever might be approachedto help hide assets know that if they turn in the official theyget a percentage of what they are being asked to conceal.ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific

42 <strong>Managing</strong> <strong><strong>Co</strong>nflict</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Interest</strong>an embarrassment. There has been much ridicule <strong>of</strong> theexcuses made by <strong>for</strong>mer untouchables. Mr. Nastase, a <strong>for</strong>merPrime Minister, said his wealth came from his wife’selderly aunt, who had applied previously hidden talents tothe property market.<strong>Co</strong>ncluding Thoughts: Dos and Don’ts <strong>for</strong> Asset Disclosure Laws• Require full disclosure: Remember that the primary purpose<strong>of</strong> an asset disclosure program is not punitive. Rather, itsmain purpose is to bolster citizens’ confidence in their governmentby showing that the great majority <strong>of</strong> public servantslive within their means. Full disclosure will put to restmany wild rumors about this or that <strong>of</strong>ficial.• Make disclosures public: Disclosures should be made public.This is a growing trend as governments recognize thatpublic disclosure helps boost confidence in government,while at the same, giving journalists and civil society groupsa role in policing the accuracy <strong>of</strong> the disclosures.• Separate administrative from policing functions: The agencyin charge <strong>of</strong> income and asset disclosure should not be theprimary en<strong>for</strong>cer, <strong>for</strong> there is a high risk that its role in helpingto ensure voluntary compliance will get lost. <strong>Co</strong>ps andsocial workers do not mix. The agency can report non-filersto the prosecutor or police, refer allegations <strong>of</strong> false filings,and conduct some basic checks. In Argentina, the agency incharge cross-checks filings against land records. In Madagascar,it compares filings with tax records. Until recently,the Argentine <strong>of</strong>fice posted the names <strong>of</strong> non-filers or thosewhose declarations appeared to be inaccurate. This was the<strong>of</strong>fice’s way <strong>of</strong> pressuring the judiciary to pursue the case.• Clarify legal requirements and roles/responsibilities: Incomeand asset disclosure laws have failed in some places because<strong>of</strong> a lack <strong>of</strong> clarity about who is required to disclose and towhom, what must be disclosed, what the consequences <strong>of</strong> anintentional failure to disclose are, and which entity is responsible<strong>for</strong> prosecuting failures to disclose. One objection to anincome and asset disclosure program is that the dishonestwill simply hide their assets, putting them in their spouse’sname or the name <strong>of</strong> an unrelated person. The law needsADB/OECD Anti-<strong>Co</strong>rruption Initiative <strong>for</strong> Asia and the Pacific

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