FM 1-15 ( Divisional Aviation Battalion and Group ... - Survival Books

FM 1-15 ( Divisional Aviation Battalion and Group ... - Survival Books

FM 1-15 ( Divisional Aviation Battalion and Group ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM<strong>FM</strong> 1-<strong>15</strong>(4) Navigation. Accurate maps are re- pass or a direction finding technique is necesquiredfor effective visual navigation sary. Water can usually be located, but mustin mountainous environments. Navi- be boiled or otherwise purified before drinking.gation by electronic means may be There is usually sufficient edible vegetation, orrestricted by the line-of-sight charac- other source of food, to support a man trainedteristics of many such systems. Path- in jungle survival (<strong>FM</strong> 21-76).finders can supply electronic or other c. Maintenance. Maintenance of all types ofnavigation aids near the objective equipment in the jungle is complicated by thearea for use during an operation. hot humid atmosphere. Fabric, rubber, leather,(5) Deception. Deceptive l<strong>and</strong>ings, traffic <strong>and</strong> similar materials deteriorate rapidly. Unpatterns,<strong>and</strong> similar devices, likely to protected metal surfaces will soon rust or corbeobserved by the enemy from the rode. Aircraft instruments <strong>and</strong> delicate comexcellentobservation points provided munications equipment will become inoperativeby the mountains, can be very effective unless properly stored. Optical lenses can beif carefully planned <strong>and</strong> executed. damaged by fungus <strong>and</strong> other growths pro-(6) Resupply. Army aircraft can accom- moted by the jungle atmosphere. Appropriateplish resupply to troops located in publications should be consulted for details onmountains in a small fraction of the the care of specific items of equipment.time required by other forms of trans- d. Special Equipment. Electronic aids toportation. Airdrop, low level extrac- navigation are particularly useful to aircrewstion, <strong>and</strong> airl<strong>and</strong>ed deliveries can be because of the sameness of terrain which makesmade to otherwise virtually inacces- up many jungle areas. Jungle survival kitssible points.should be carried in all aircraft being operatedover these areas. Personal equipment should:-17. Jungles include insect repellent, mosquito nets, <strong>and</strong>a. General. The limited number of access other protective gear.roads, the presence of many natural features e. Tactics. Jungle tactics are normal tacticsproviding concealment, <strong>and</strong> rapid deterioration modified to conform to jungle environments.of many items of equipment are among the Factors to be considered in making these modicharacteristicswhich influence plans <strong>and</strong> opera- fications include the following:tions in the jungle. Dense jungles, usually (1) Day. Jungle weather is relatively presparselyinhabited, contain few or no roadsdictable. Temperatures are high, difwhichare suitable for military vehicles. Heavyfering little with the seasons of thejungle growth <strong>and</strong> extensive swampy areasyear. Heavy rainfall is to be expectedmake road construction difficult. Leafy over-during the rainy seasons to whichhead foliage can completely shield the junglemost jungles are subject. Most junglefloor from observation from above. Occasionalterrain is very rugged, with deepclearings afford helicopter l<strong>and</strong>ing areas; run-valleys <strong>and</strong> steep ridges alternating.ways for fixed wing aircraft may have to beThe combination of heavy rainfall <strong>and</strong>hacked out of the jungle (<strong>FM</strong> 31-30). Men <strong>and</strong> uneven terrain creates numerousequipment required to prepare jungle l<strong>and</strong>ingrivers <strong>and</strong> streams. As jungles arepads may be lowered from hovering helicopterslocated near the equator, days <strong>and</strong>by approved rappelling techniques <strong>and</strong> othernights are about equal in length <strong>and</strong>devices.vary little with the seasons of theb. <strong>Survival</strong>. The jungle environment presents year. Jungle fog <strong>and</strong> rain can be preafar smaller threat to survival than desertsdicted with considerable accuracy <strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong> cold weather areas. Navigation is oftenoperations can be planned to take adcomplicatedby the many restrictions to longvantage of these weather factors forrange observation from the jungle floor. A com-concealment of aircraft while en routeAGO 7121A 47

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