FM 1-15 ( Divisional Aviation Battalion and Group ... - Survival Books

FM 1-15 ( Divisional Aviation Battalion and Group ... - Survival Books

FM 1-15 ( Divisional Aviation Battalion and Group ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM<strong>FM</strong> 1-<strong>15</strong>CHAPTER 4COMMAND AND STAFFSection I. COMMAND4-1. General e. Prepares the aviation portion of the airThe aviation battalion comm<strong>and</strong>er exercisesmovement plan <strong>and</strong> the fire support plan.his authority <strong>and</strong> promotes continuity through- f. Coordinates the use of airspace with theout the battalion by prescribing policies, as- air defense officer.signing missions, <strong>and</strong> designating tasks forunits under his control. Effective operation of 43. Assistant <strong>Aviation</strong> Officerthis chain requires that sufficient authority be An assistant aviation officer is authorizeddelegated to enable subordinates to accomplish in each divisional aviation battalion. He istasks for which they are responsible. The corn- located at the division tactical operations centerm<strong>and</strong>er conducts personal visits <strong>and</strong> inspections (DTOC) <strong>and</strong> is the principal representative ofthe division aviation officer on the division spe-cial staff. Normally, he is charged with theresponsibility of supervising the Army aviation4-2. Comm<strong>and</strong>er's Responsibilities as element (AAE) of the DTOC for the divisionto insure that his st<strong>and</strong>ards are understood <strong>and</strong>satisfactorily maintained.<strong>Aviation</strong> Staff Officeraviation officer (battalion comm<strong>and</strong>er) <strong>and</strong>, asThe comm<strong>and</strong>er of the divisional aviation directed, performs those duties of the divisionbattalion is assigned the additional duty of di- aviation officer noted i paragraph 42. Hevision aviation officer. In this capacity, he is keeps abreast of the division tactical disposiresponsiblefor informing <strong>and</strong> advising the tion <strong>and</strong> future plans, <strong>and</strong> advises the divisiondivision comm<strong>and</strong>er division comm<strong>and</strong>erstaff on the the technical aviation officer on these matters. Although hisaspects of aviation <strong>and</strong> the employment of ele- specific duties vary, depending on the desiresments of the battalion. In addition he-of the division aviation officer, he normally preparespertinent annexes to division operationsa. Maintains liaison with aviation representa- orders, administrative orders, estimates, plans,tives <strong>and</strong> staff officers of higher <strong>and</strong> lowerheadquarters <strong>and</strong> with adjacent units.<strong>and</strong> reports.b. Prepares <strong>and</strong> supervises the aviation por- 4-4. Comm<strong>and</strong> Staff Relationshipstion of the division training program <strong>and</strong> pro- The staff is responsible to the comm<strong>and</strong>er forvides technical supervision of aviation training acquiring information; making recommendaforother elements of the division.tions; preparing estimates, detailed plans, <strong>and</strong>c. Supervises the employment of aviation ele- orders implementing comm<strong>and</strong> decisions; <strong>and</strong>ments assigned or attached to the division for coordinating plans <strong>and</strong> operations. The comtacticaloperations. He exercises operational m<strong>and</strong>er maintains close relationship with hiscontrol over these units except when operational staff officers <strong>and</strong> keeps them fully informed.control is specifically delegated elsewhere by He establishes definite functional responsibilithedivision comm<strong>and</strong>er.ties for his staff, delegates authority commend.Assists the staff in the preparation of surate with responsibilities, <strong>and</strong> charges theaviation portions of division estimates, plans, executive officer with responsibility for directorders,<strong>and</strong> reports.ing <strong>and</strong> coordinating the staff.AGO 7121A 11

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