Mohsin Annual Report-Final 1-91:Layout 1.qxd - Siemens Pakistan

Mohsin Annual Report-Final 1-91:Layout 1.qxd - Siemens Pakistan Mohsin Annual Report-Final 1-91:Layout 1.qxd - Siemens Pakistan
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16Directors’ ReportPattern of ShareholdingShares of the Company are listed on Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad stock exchanges. There were 810shareholders of the Company as of September 30, 2007.As mentioned earlier, the Company, under the scheme of amalgamation, has issued its 477,440 fullypaid ordinary shares to Siemens AG in consideration of their 47.49% shareholding in CTI. After allotmentof these additional shares, the total paid up capital of the Company has increased to 8,247,037 ordinaryshares and shareholding of Siemens AG and National Investment Trust, the two major shareholders ofthe Company, has become 66.10% and 24.04% respectively. The detailed pattern and categories ofshareholding of the Company as of September 30, 2007 are annexed to this annual report on page 24and 25.Board of directorsThe Board was actively involved during the year in performing their duties including those imposed on itby the Regulators and the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company, with the ultimateobjective of safeguarding the interests of shareholders, increasing profitability of the Company and promotingmarket confidence. In order to strengthen the corporate decision making process, the Board considersall significant issues including but not limited to annual and long-term business plans, cashflowprojections, budgets alongwith variance analyses, internal audit reports, management letter issued bythe external auditors, major contracts and agreements, promulgation or amendment of a law, rule orregulation, disposal of fixed assets and investments and such other matters considered to be significantenough for the Board's attention by the Audit Committee or the management.The Chief Financial Officer, who is also a member of the Board, and the Company Secretary attendall the Board meetings and business heads are also invited for their expert opinion on significant businessissues.During the last business year six meetings of the Board of Directors were held. Attendance of eachdirector in these meetings is as follows:Name of directorNo. of meetings attendedSyed Babar Ali, Esq. 4Mr. Sohail Wajahat H. Siddiqui 6Mr. Javaid Anwar 6Mr. Joachim Moeller 1Mr. Gerhard Wilcke 6Mr. Tajammal H. Bokharee 4Ms. Monika Valtwies 4Mr. Stephan Schneider 5The participation of two foreign Directors in three different meetings was facilitated through videoconferencing. The record of the video conferences is available with the Company. The minutes of thosemeetings in which the Directors participated through video conferencing are signed by all the Directorspresent.The election of the Board took place on December 1, 2006 in which all of the retiring Directors werere-elected for a further term of three years. Further, Mr. Sohail Wajahat H. Siddiqui, was also re-appointedas Chief Executive Officer of the Company for a further period of three years after successful completionof his earlier term.

Directors’ Report 17Audit committeeThe Audit Committee of the Board comprises of following four Non Executive Directors:Mr. Tajammal H. BokhareeMr. Javaid AnwarMs. Monika ValtwiesMr. Stephan SchneiderChairmanMemberMemberMemberThe Audit Committee met four times during the year. These meetings were held prior to theapproval of quarterly, half yearly and yearly results. The Committee also met the external auditors in theabsence of the Chief Financial Officer and Head of Internal Audit as required by the Code. Further, theCommittee also met with the head and other members of the Internal Audit department without theChief Financial Officer and the external auditors in compliance of the Code.The Committee has its terms of reference which were determined by the Board in accordance withthe guidelines provided in the Code of Corporate Governance. The Audit Committee reviewed, in additionto others, the quarterly, half yearly and yearly financial statements besides reviewing the internalcontrol system, the internal audit plan, material audit findings and recommendations of the internalauditors. Further, the Audit Committee also ensured proper coordination between Internal and externalauditors. The Board appreciates valuable contribution made by the Audit Committee.The Internal Audit FunctionAn internal audit department continuously evaluates the Internal Control System to enable the Companyto achieve its Corporate objectives. The Audit Committee realizing the importance of good governancepractices and need to mitigate the accessed Corporate Risk, has established an independent Auditdepartment under its direct supervision. The Audit department is equipped with adequate professionalqualified staff that is imparted training on emerging auditing technology by Siemens AG.Management CommitteesExecutive Management CommitteeExecutive Management Committee comprising the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officerand the Executive Directors of the operating divisions remained active during the year. The committeemeets at least every quarter to review the result of operations, to formulate strategic plans of marketing,production, investments and to take corrective and preventive measures for mitigation of risks and forseizing business opportunities. The Committee places before the Board of Directors all such matterswhich are required to be approved by it under the law as well as other matters of significance.Corporate CommitteeThe Corporate Committee consists of heads of all corporate departments, headed by the Chief ExecutiveOfficer. The committee meetings are held each quarter. The committee considers the actionable itemsof the Executive Management Committee, discusses significant issues of each corporate area and suggestsimprovements wherever necessary.Team workTeam work is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. The managementbelieves in active interaction with different levels of management and different categories of employees,in order to involve them in the achievement of its overall goal and to get their valuable comments and

Directors’ <strong>Report</strong> 17Audit committeeThe Audit Committee of the Board comprises of following four Non Executive Directors:Mr. Tajammal H. BokhareeMr. Javaid AnwarMs. Monika ValtwiesMr. Stephan SchneiderChairmanMemberMemberMemberThe Audit Committee met four times during the year. These meetings were held prior to theapproval of quarterly, half yearly and yearly results. The Committee also met the external auditors in theabsence of the Chief Financial Officer and Head of Internal Audit as required by the Code. Further, theCommittee also met with the head and other members of the Internal Audit department without theChief Financial Officer and the external auditors in compliance of the Code.The Committee has its terms of reference which were determined by the Board in accordance withthe guidelines provided in the Code of Corporate Governance. The Audit Committee reviewed, in additionto others, the quarterly, half yearly and yearly financial statements besides reviewing the internalcontrol system, the internal audit plan, material audit findings and recommendations of the internalauditors. Further, the Audit Committee also ensured proper coordination between Internal and externalauditors. The Board appreciates valuable contribution made by the Audit Committee.The Internal Audit FunctionAn internal audit department continuously evaluates the Internal Control System to enable the Companyto achieve its Corporate objectives. The Audit Committee realizing the importance of good governancepractices and need to mitigate the accessed Corporate Risk, has established an independent Auditdepartment under its direct supervision. The Audit department is equipped with adequate professionalqualified staff that is imparted training on emerging auditing technology by <strong>Siemens</strong> AG.Management CommitteesExecutive Management CommitteeExecutive Management Committee comprising the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officerand the Executive Directors of the operating divisions remained active during the year. The committeemeets at least every quarter to review the result of operations, to formulate strategic plans of marketing,production, investments and to take corrective and preventive measures for mitigation of risks and forseizing business opportunities. The Committee places before the Board of Directors all such matterswhich are required to be approved by it under the law as well as other matters of significance.Corporate CommitteeThe Corporate Committee consists of heads of all corporate departments, headed by the Chief ExecutiveOfficer. The committee meetings are held each quarter. The committee considers the actionable itemsof the Executive Management Committee, discusses significant issues of each corporate area and suggestsimprovements wherever necessary.Team workTeam work is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. The managementbelieves in active interaction with different levels of management and different categories of employees,in order to involve them in the achievement of its overall goal and to get their valuable comments and

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