Mohsin Annual Report-Final 1-91:Layout 1.qxd - Siemens Pakistan

Mohsin Annual Report-Final 1-91:Layout 1.qxd - Siemens Pakistan Mohsin Annual Report-Final 1-91:Layout 1.qxd - Siemens Pakistan
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122Notes to the Financial StatementsThe number and weighted average exercise prices of SARs are as follows:2007 2006Weighted Number of Weighted Number ofaverage SARs average SARsexercise priceexercise priceEuroEuroOutstanding at beginning of the year 73.55 24,415 72.88 14,770Granted during the year - . - . 74.59 9,645Exercised during the year 72.86 (6,625) - . - .Outstanding at end of the year 73.81 17,790 73.55 24,415Exercisable at end of year 72.89 8,145 73.25 7,000The options outstanding at September 30, 2007 have an exercise price in the range of Euro 72.54 to Euro 74.59 and a weighted averagecontractual life of 2 years and 5 months approximately.The weighted average share price at the date of exercise for SARs exercised during the year ended September 30, 2007 was Euro 89.97.The determination of the fair value of grants is based on a Black-Scholes option pricing model, which was developed for use in estimating the fairvalues of options that have no vesting restrictions. Option valuation models require the input of highly subjective assumptions including theexpected stock price volatility. Assumptions made in estimating the fair value of grants made are as follows:Assumption at grant date2007 2006Risk-free interest rate - . 2.99%Expected dividend yield .- . 2.41%Expected volatility - . 18.30%Expected option life - . 3.5 yearsEstimated weighted average fair value per option - . Euro 4.06Fair value of total options granted during the year - . Euro 11The expected volatility is based on historical volatility of SAG shares, implied volatility of traded options with similar terms and features and certainother factors. The expected term is derived by applying the simplified method and is determined as the average of the vesting term and thecontractual term. The risk-free interest is based on the applicable government bonds. Changes in subjective assumptions can materially affect thefair value of the option.Phantom stocksPhantom stocks are subject to a four year vesting period and the grantees receive the share prices equivalent value in cash at the end of four yearvesting period. Details of phantom stocks rights are as follows:2007 2006Number of phantom stocksBalance as at beginning of the year 2,034 638Granted during the year 1,755 1,396Expired during the year (150) - .Balance as at end of the year 3,639 2,034Phantom stock rights are remeasured to their fair value at each reporting date until the award is settled.Total expense for share based payments recognised during the year ended September 30, 2007 was Rs 39.228 million (2006: Rs 10.306 million).The liability for cash settled arrangements as of September 30, 2007 was Rs 50 million (2006: Rs 10.772 million).

Notes to the Financial Statements 12335. TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIESRelated parties comprise of a subsidiary of the Company, Siemens AG, its subsidiaries and associates and other companies with commondirectorship with significant influence on other companies, employees retirement benefit funds and key management employees. Transactionswith related parties can be summarised as follows:2007 2006Note (Rupees in ‘000)Parent companySales of goods and rendering of services 2,261,081 4,211,482Purchases of goods and receipt of services 2,964,281 2,299,418Commission and allowances earned 184,196 379,109Dividends 298,420 298,420Issuance of shares under a scheme of amalgamation 614,465 - .Associated companiesSales of goods and rendering of services 441,937 294,231Purchases of goods and receipt of services 1,318,637 1,324,928Proceeds from sales of discontinued operations 2,450,694 - .Commission and allowances earned 53,471 225,569Commission paid 1,834 2,483Financial expenses 111,932 51,037Financial income 23,375 - .Donations 1,655 35Rental income 7,982 - .OthersDividends 30 30Contribution to employees retirement benefits 27,398 32,376Compensation to key management personnel 34.5 194,584 89,73035.1 Transactions with related parties were carried out on commercial terms and conditions and at prices agreed based on inter company prices. Sharedservices are charged at uniform rates to all locations in the region.36. PLANT CAPACITY AND ACTUAL PRODUCTION Capacity Actual ActualProductionProduction2007 2006Electric motors 300,000 HP 74,948 HP 152,459 HPMotors controlgears and controlboards 150,000 HP 3,220 HP 3,210 HPElectric transformers 2,000 MVA 2,430 MVA 2,520 MVAGenerating sets 40,000 KVA 105,949 KVA 62,957 KVASwitchgears and distribution boards 4,500 Nos. 3,442 Nos. 5,559 Nos.36.1 The under utilisation of capacity is mainly attributed to reduced demand owing to imports by private and public sectors.36.2 Due to increased demand, the production of Electric transformers and Generating sets, is above their normal capacity, which was achieved throughextra shift working.37. FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIESThe carrying value of all financial assets and liabilities is estimated to approximate their fair value.

122Notes to the Financial StatementsThe number and weighted average exercise prices of SARs are as follows:2007 2006Weighted Number of Weighted Number ofaverage SARs average SARsexercise priceexercise priceEuroEuroOutstanding at beginning of the year 73.55 24,415 72.88 14,770Granted during the year - . - . 74.59 9,645Exercised during the year 72.86 (6,625) - . - .Outstanding at end of the year 73.81 17,790 73.55 24,415Exercisable at end of year 72.89 8,145 73.25 7,000The options outstanding at September 30, 2007 have an exercise price in the range of Euro 72.54 to Euro 74.59 and a weighted averagecontractual life of 2 years and 5 months approximately.The weighted average share price at the date of exercise for SARs exercised during the year ended September 30, 2007 was Euro 89.97.The determination of the fair value of grants is based on a Black-Scholes option pricing model, which was developed for use in estimating the fairvalues of options that have no vesting restrictions. Option valuation models require the input of highly subjective assumptions including theexpected stock price volatility. Assumptions made in estimating the fair value of grants made are as follows:Assumption at grant date2007 2006Risk-free interest rate - . 2.99%Expected dividend yield .- . 2.41%Expected volatility - . 18.30%Expected option life - . 3.5 yearsEstimated weighted average fair value per option - . Euro 4.06Fair value of total options granted during the year - . Euro 11The expected volatility is based on historical volatility of SAG shares, implied volatility of traded options with similar terms and features and certainother factors. The expected term is derived by applying the simplified method and is determined as the average of the vesting term and thecontractual term. The risk-free interest is based on the applicable government bonds. Changes in subjective assumptions can materially affect thefair value of the option.Phantom stocksPhantom stocks are subject to a four year vesting period and the grantees receive the share prices equivalent value in cash at the end of four yearvesting period. Details of phantom stocks rights are as follows:2007 2006Number of phantom stocksBalance as at beginning of the year 2,034 638Granted during the year 1,755 1,396Expired during the year (150) - .Balance as at end of the year 3,639 2,034Phantom stock rights are remeasured to their fair value at each reporting date until the award is settled.Total expense for share based payments recognised during the year ended September 30, 2007 was Rs 39.228 million (2006: Rs 10.306 million).The liability for cash settled arrangements as of September 30, 2007 was Rs 50 million (2006: Rs 10.772 million).

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