Mohsin Annual Report-Final 1-91:Layout 1.qxd - Siemens Pakistan

Mohsin Annual Report-Final 1-91:Layout 1.qxd - Siemens Pakistan Mohsin Annual Report-Final 1-91:Layout 1.qxd - Siemens Pakistan
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108Notes to the Financial Statements5. ISSUED, SUBSCRIBED AND FULLY PAID-UP SHARE CAPITAL 2007 2006Note (Rupees in ‘000)Ordinary shares of Rs 10 each6,217,780 Issued for cash 62,178 62,17881,700 Issued for consideration other than cash 817 8171,526,800 Issued as bonus shares 15,268 15,268(56,683) Shares bought back (567) (567)477,440 Issued under a scheme of amalgamation 4 4,774 - .8,247,037 82,470 77,6965.1 Siemens AG held 5,451,120 ordinary shares (2006: 4,973,680 ordinary shares) of Rs 10 each of the Company as at September 30, 2007.5.2 Dividends and other appropriationsThe Board of Directors in their meeting held on November 15, 2007 have proposed a final cash dividend of Rs 60 per share (2006: Rs 30 per share)amounting to Rs 494.822 million (2006: Rs 233.088 million). The Board also proposed to transfer an amount of Rs 1,000 million (2006: Rs 200million) from retained earnings to general reserves.6. RESERVES 2007 2006Note (Rupees in ‘000)Share premium 6.1 619,325 9,635Capital repurchase reserve account 6.2 567 567Other capital reserve 4,300 4,300General reserve 2,023,026 1,823,0262,647,218 1,837,5286.1 This represents premium of Rs 50 per share on issue of 186,340 ordinary shares and Rs 70 per share on issue of 223,608 ordinary shares duringthe years ended September 30, 1988 and 1990 respectively and premium of Rs 1,277 per share on issue of 477,440 ordinary shares under thescheme of amalgamation during the year ended September 30, 2007. This amount has been reduced by Rs 15.334 million on account of 56,683shares bought back by the Company during the year ended September 30, 2003.6.2 This represents the amount by which the share capital of the Company was diminished on buy back of 56,683 shares of Rs 10 each and transferredfrom the distributable profits of the Company to 'capital repurchase reserve account' during the year ended September 30, 2003. This reserve wascreated to comply with the requirements of sub-section 10 of section 95A of the Companies Ordinance, 1984.7. STAFF RETIREMENT BENEFITS - Defined benefit plan7.1 The actuarial valuation of gratuity schemes were carried out at September 30, 2007. The Projected Unit Credit method, using the followingsignificant financial assumptions respectively for the Company and CTI, has been used for the actuarial valuation: Discount rate 11.00% and 10.00% per annum compound (2006: 10.78% and 8%). Expected rate of increase in salaries 8.89% and 9.00% per annum (2006: 8.66% and 8%). Expected rate of return on plan assets 11.00% and 12.00% per annum (2006: 10.78% and 12%).The amounts recognised in the balance sheet are as follows:2007 2006(Rupees in ‘000)Fair value of plan assets 368,633 405,731Present value of defined benefit obligation (377,690) (335,459)(Deficit) / surplus (9,057) 70,272Unrecognised net loss / (gain) 42,973 (13,920)Surplus carried forward in the balance sheet 33,916 56,352

Notes to the Financial Statements 1097.2 Movement in net asset in the balance sheet is as follows:2007 2006(Rupees in ‘000)Opening balance of net asset 56,352 45,470Balance of CTI at acquisition - . 11,185Expense recognised for the year (22,436) (303)Closing balance of net asset 33,916 56,3527.3 The following amounts have been charged in the profitand loss account in respect of these benefits:Current service expense 27,765 21,733Interest expense 35,489 31,191Expected return on plan assets (42,296) (43,457)Settlement cost 1,469 - .Expense for the year 22,427 9,467Recognition of actuarial loss / (gain) 9 (9,164)Expense recognised in the financial statements 22,436 3037.4 Movement in the present value of defined benefit obligation:Opening balance 335,459 246,385Obligation pertaining to CTI at acquisition - . 37,009Service expense 27,765 21,733Interest expense 35,489 31,191Benefits paid (63,276) (22,800)Benefits due but not paid to outgoing members (15,017) - .Settlement cost 1,469 - .Actuarial loss 55,801 21,941Present value of defined benefit obligation at end of the year 377,690 335,4597.5 Movement in the fair value of plan assetsOpening balance 405,731 331,390Fair value of plan assets of CTI at acquisition - . 48,506Expected return 42,296 43,458Benefits paid (63,276) (22,800)Benefits due but not paid to outgoing members (15,017) - .Actuarial (loss) / gain (1,101) 5,177Fair value of plan assets at end of the year 368,633 405,7317.6 Comparison for five yearsAs at September 30, 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003--------------------------------(Rupees in '000)--------------------------------Fair value of plan assets 368,633 405,731 331,390 334,072 326,788Present value of defined benefit obligation (377,690) (335,459) (246,385) (225,050) (204,715)(Deficit) / surplus (9,057) 70,272 85,005 109,022 122,073Experience adjustment on plan liabilities 7% 18% 5% 8% -5%Experience adjustment on plan assets -1% 0% -2% 0% -2%

108Notes to the Financial Statements5. ISSUED, SUBSCRIBED AND FULLY PAID-UP SHARE CAPITAL 2007 2006Note (Rupees in ‘000)Ordinary shares of Rs 10 each6,217,780 Issued for cash 62,178 62,17881,700 Issued for consideration other than cash 817 8171,526,800 Issued as bonus shares 15,268 15,268(56,683) Shares bought back (567) (567)477,440 Issued under a scheme of amalgamation 4 4,774 - .8,247,037 82,470 77,6965.1 <strong>Siemens</strong> AG held 5,451,120 ordinary shares (2006: 4,973,680 ordinary shares) of Rs 10 each of the Company as at September 30, 2007.5.2 Dividends and other appropriationsThe Board of Directors in their meeting held on November 15, 2007 have proposed a final cash dividend of Rs 60 per share (2006: Rs 30 per share)amounting to Rs 494.822 million (2006: Rs 233.088 million). The Board also proposed to transfer an amount of Rs 1,000 million (2006: Rs 200million) from retained earnings to general reserves.6. RESERVES 2007 2006Note (Rupees in ‘000)Share premium 6.1 619,325 9,635Capital repurchase reserve account 6.2 567 567Other capital reserve 4,300 4,300General reserve 2,023,026 1,823,0262,647,218 1,837,5286.1 This represents premium of Rs 50 per share on issue of 186,340 ordinary shares and Rs 70 per share on issue of 223,608 ordinary shares duringthe years ended September 30, 1988 and 1990 respectively and premium of Rs 1,277 per share on issue of 477,440 ordinary shares under thescheme of amalgamation during the year ended September 30, 2007. This amount has been reduced by Rs 15.334 million on account of 56,683shares bought back by the Company during the year ended September 30, 2003.6.2 This represents the amount by which the share capital of the Company was diminished on buy back of 56,683 shares of Rs 10 each and transferredfrom the distributable profits of the Company to 'capital repurchase reserve account' during the year ended September 30, 2003. This reserve wascreated to comply with the requirements of sub-section 10 of section 95A of the Companies Ordinance, 1984.7. STAFF RETIREMENT BENEFITS - Defined benefit plan7.1 The actuarial valuation of gratuity schemes were carried out at September 30, 2007. The Projected Unit Credit method, using the followingsignificant financial assumptions respectively for the Company and CTI, has been used for the actuarial valuation: Discount rate 11.00% and 10.00% per annum compound (2006: 10.78% and 8%). Expected rate of increase in salaries 8.89% and 9.00% per annum (2006: 8.66% and 8%). Expected rate of return on plan assets 11.00% and 12.00% per annum (2006: 10.78% and 12%).The amounts recognised in the balance sheet are as follows:2007 2006(Rupees in ‘000)Fair value of plan assets 368,633 405,731Present value of defined benefit obligation (377,690) (335,459)(Deficit) / surplus (9,057) 70,272Unrecognised net loss / (gain) 42,973 (13,920)Surplus carried forward in the balance sheet 33,<strong>91</strong>6 56,352

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