W Aluminium Motors - Yarmouth Rewinds

W Aluminium Motors - Yarmouth Rewinds

W Aluminium Motors - Yarmouth Rewinds


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2100E Issue 3eW high efficiency aluminium motorsPerformance data3000 min –1 (2 pole)Rated powerFull load speed inrevolutions per minuteFrame referenceand sizeFull load current atrated voltageEfficiencyPower factorFull load torqueDirect on linestarting torque ratioDirect on linestarting current ratioDirect on linepull out torque ratioDirect on linepull up torqueStar deltastarting torque ratio (1)Star deltastarting current ratioStar deltapull up torqueRotor inertia WK 2Mean sound pressure level@ 1m on no loadP NkW(hp)0.18(0.25)0.25(0.33)0.37(0.5)0.55(0.75)0.75(1.0)1.1(1.5)1.5(2.0)2.2(3.0)3(4.0)4(5.5)5.5(7.5)7.5(10)11(15)15(20)18.5(25)22(30)30(40)37(50)nmin –1281028102815282028502870287028502890287029102900294029402940295029402940TypeW-DA63SFW-DA63SGW-DA71SGW-DA71SKW-DA80MEW-DA80MJW-DA90SFW-DA90LMW-DA100LJW-DA112MMW-DA132SEW-DA132SJW-DA160MBW-DA160MJW-DA160LRW-DA180MEW-DA200LLFW-DA200LRF380 VA0.650.760.921.291.772.513. N400 VA0.620.720.881.231.692.393. VA0.620.720.881.231.692.393.η1.0 P N0.75 P N0.5 P NCos Ø1.0 P N0.75 P N0.5 P NM NNm60.0 0.7055.0 0.61 0.61{ }46.0 0.5064.0 0.78{63.0 0.68}57.0 0.5772.0 0.84{73.0 0.76}71.0 0.6374.0 0.8775.0 0.81{ }73.0 0.7077.0 0.83{ }77.0 0.7773.0 0.6581.0 0.82{81.0 0.75}78.0 0.6382.0 0.8283.0 0.75{ }81.0 0.6384.0 0.86{ }85.0 0.8183.0 0.7186.5 0.88{ }87.0 0.8386.5 0.7588.0 0.91{ }89.0 0.8989.0 0.8589.5 0.89{ }89.5 0.8588.0 0.7389.5 0.91{90.0 0.89}89.0 0.8291.0 0.89{91.0 0.86}90.0 0.7991.5 0.90{91.5 0.88}91.0 0.8092.5 0.91{92.5 0.89}92.0 0.8193.0 0.9293.0 0.90{ }{ }{ }92.591.491.690. AM N1. AI N3. KM SM NM N1. AM NY–––––––––0.850.800.750.650.650.780.650.750.75I AI NY––––––––– SM NY–––––––––0.800.750.700.600.600.650.600.650.65Jkgm 20.00050.000630.000520.000630.00140.00190.00230.00280.0050.0080.0150.020.0390.0450.0560.0940.120.15L PAdB(A)5252515156566666606066666868686873734For performance curves and notes - see page 14

2100E Issue 3eW high efficiency aluminium motorsPerformance data1500 min –1 (4 pole)Rated powerFull load speed inrevolutions per minuteFrame referenceand sizeFull load current atrated voltageEfficiencyPower factorFull load torqueDirect on linestarting torque ratioDirect on linestarting current ratioDirect on linepull out torque ratioDirect on linepull up torqueStar deltastarting torque ratio (1)Star deltastarting current ratioStar deltapull up torqueRotor inertia WK 2Mean sound pressure level@ 1m on no loadP NkW(hp)0.12(0.166)0.18(0.25)0.25(0.33)0.37(0.5)0.55(0.75)0.75(1)1.1(1.5)1.5(2)2.2(3)3(4.0)4(5.5)5.5(7.5)7.5(10)11(15)15(20)18.5(25)22(30)30(40)nmin –1136013701400141014101410141014201415141514401445144514701470147014701465TypeW-DA63SFW-DA63SGW-DA71SJW-DA71SKW-DA80MEW-DA80MGW-DA90SEW-DA90LKW-DA100LJW-DA100LRW-DA112MRW-DA132SFW-DA132MBW-DA160MJW-DA160LRW-DA180MEW-DA180LJW-DA200LRF380 VA0.500.670.841.171.661.972.763. N400 VA0.470.630.81.111.581.882.633. VA0.470.630.81.111.581.882.633.η1.0 P N0.75 P N0.5 P NCos Ø1.0 P N0.75 P N0.5 P NM NNm59.0 0.6252.0 0.53 0.85{ }42.0 0.4062.0 0.66{58.0 0.56}51.0 0.4469.0 0.65{68.0 0.55}62.0 0.4471.0 0.6869.0 0.57{ }63.0 0.4575.0 0.67{ }75.0 0.5770.0 0.4578.0 0.74{79.0 0.65}77.0 0.5079.5 0.7680.0 0.66{ }78.0 0.5281.0 0.77{ }82.0 0.6880.0 0.5581.0 0.80{ }82.5 0.7382.5 0.6182.6 0.81{ }84.0 0.7583.9 0.6184.2 0.81{ }85.2 0.7483.5 0.6085.7 0.82{86.5 0.76}85.5 0.6587.0 0.82{88.3 0.76}87.6 0.6391.5 0.83{91.5 0.79}90.5 0.6792.0 0.84{92.5 0.79}91.5 0.6892.5 0.8492.5 0.79{ }{ }{ }91.593. AM N1. AI N2.753. KM SM NM N1.652. AM NY––––––––––0.750.700.700.650.650.800.750.70I AI NY–––––––––– SM NY––––––––––0.650.600.600.500.500.650.600.60Jkgm 20.00050.000630.000840.000870.00150.00190.00280.00350.0080.0090.0110.0190.0250.0680.0840.160.190.23L PAdB(A)393938384747545454545659596363626265For performance curves and notes - see page 145

2100E Issue 3eW high efficiency aluminium motorsPerformance data1000 min –1 (6 pole)Rated powerFull load speed inrevolutions per minuteFrame referenceand sizeFull load current atrated voltageEfficiencyPower factorFull load torqueDirect on linestarting torque ratioDirect on linestarting current ratioDirect on linepull out torque ratioDirect on linepull up torqueStar deltastarting torque ratio (1)Star deltastarting current ratioStar deltapull up torqueRotor inertia WK 2Mean sound pressure level@ 1m on no loadP NkW(hp)0.07(0.094)0.09(0.125)0.12(0.1660.18(0.25)0.25(0.33)0.37(0.5)0.55(0.75)0.75(1)1.1(1.5)1.5(2)2.2(3)3(4)4(5.5)5.5(7.5)7.5(10)11(15)15(20)nmin –1880930900910920920920920940930950965960960975975975TypeW-DA63SGW-DA71SGW-DA71SGW-DA71SKW-DA71SRW-DA80MGW-DA80MMW-DA90SGW-DA90LTW-DA100LRW-DA112MSW-DA132SGW-DA132MLW-DA132MMW-DA160MMW-DA160LVW-DA180LM380 VA0.360.420.580.791.111.331.862. N400 VA0.340.400.550.751.061.271.772. VA0.330.400.550.751.061.271.772.η1.0 P N0.75 P N0.5 P NCos Ø1.0 P N0.75 P N0.5 P NM NNm47.0 0.63{ }42.0 0.5633.0 0.4955.0 0.5952.0 0.50{ }47.0 0.4053.0 0.5950.0 0.50{ }43.0 0.4061.0 0.5759.0 0.50{ }53.0 0.3961.0 0.56{ }59.0 0.4953.0 0.3869.0 0.6168.0 0.51{ }64.0 0.4071.0 0.6371.0 0.54{ }68.0 0.4174.0 0.69{ }74.0 0.5972.0 0.4578.0 0.63{ }77.0 0.5275.0 0.4179.0 0.64{ }79.0 0.5477.0 0.4282.5 0.70{ }82.5 0.6080.5 0.4786.0 0.71{ }86.0 0.6484.0 0.5286.5 0.74{ }86.5 0.6786.0 0.5587.0 0.74{ }87.0 0.6786.5 0.5490.0 0.75{ }90.5 0.7089.0 0.6091.0 0.7791.0 0.72{ }{ }89.591. AM N2. AI N2. KM SM NM N1. AM NY–––––––––––0.650.600.600.550.600.65I AI NY––––––––––– SM NY–––––––––––0.550.500.500.50.500.60Jkgm 20.000630.000810.000810.000970.001240.00150.00210.00280.00390.0090.0140.0230.0270.0290.100.120.23L PAdB(A)40444444444949656558545858585959596For performance curves and notes - see page 14

2100E Issue 3eW high efficiency aluminium motorsPerformance data750 min –1 (8 pole)Rated powerFull load speed inrevolutions per minuteFrame referenceand sizeFull load current atrated voltageEfficiencyPower factorFull load torqueDirect on linestarting torque ratioDirect on linestarting current ratioDirect on linepull out torque ratioDirect on linepull up torqueStar deltastarting torque ratio (1)Star deltastarting current ratioStar deltapull up torqueRotor inertia WK 2Mean sound pressure level@ 1m on no loadP NkW(hp)0.18(0.25)0.25(0.33)0.37(0.5)0.55(0.75)0.75(1)1.1(1.5)1.5(2)2.2(3)3(4)4(5.55.5(7.5)7.5(10)11(15)nmin –1695695700680690690690720720725725725730TypeW-DA80MGW-DA80MMW-DA90SGW-DA90LMW-DA100LRW-DA100LSW-DA112MSW-DA132SMW-DA132MRW-DA160MEW-DA160MMW-DA160LVW-DA180LM380 VA1.011.261.712.42.773. N400 VA0.961.21.632.32.643. VA0.961.21.632.32.643.η1.0 P N0.75 P N0.5 P NCos Ø1.0 P N0.75 P N0.5 P NM NNm55.0 0.4952.0 0.42 2.5{ }44.0 0.3459.0 0.51{56.5 0.43}49.0 0.3462.0 0.53{59.0 0.44}51.0 0.3464.0 0.5462.0 0.44{ }55.0 0.3369.5 0.59{ }68.0 0.4961.0 0.4071.5 0.60{70.5 0.51}68.0 0.3974.5 0.6674.0 0.56{ }71.0 0.4482.5 0.65{ }83.0 0.5780.0 0.4584.0 0.66{ }84.0 0.5882.0 0.4586.0 0.68{ }86.0 0.6484.0 0.5187.0 0.69{ }87.0 0.6585.5 0.5288.0 0.71{88.0 0.65}86.0 0.5290.0 0.67{90.0 0.59}88.00.483.55.17.610.415.220.729.239.852.772.498.8143.9M AM N2. AI N2. KM SM NM N2. AM NY––––––––– AI NY––––––––– SM NY–––––––––0.450.450.450.55Jkgm 20.00170.00210.00280.00350.0090.00950.0150.0290.0310. PAdB(A)46465050535357575753535358For performance curves and notes - see page 147

2100E Issue 3eW high efficiency aluminium motorsDimensionsFoot, flange and face mounting - frame sizes 63 to 200LACEBEDTBWTBHKKIM B3IM 1001HD 1 HDMounting optionsKHAHECB CRSAAAABBA CRSABLLAHOLES SON M PCDIM B5/IM B35IM 3001/IM 2001Mounting optionsPN45°TLLA 1HOLES S 1ON M PCDIM B14/IM B34IM 3601/IM 2101Mounting optionsPN45°T1Care should be taken to ensure that studs or screws donot extend inside the motor beyond the depth of thethread fixing hole LA8

2100E Issue 3eW high efficiency aluminium motorsFoot, flange and face mounting - frame sizes 63 to 200TypeGeneralABCHKLAAABACBBHAHDHD 1Terminal boxTBW TBHKKW-DA63SW-DA71SW-DA80MW-DA90SW-DA90LW-DA100LW-DA112MW-DA132SW-DA132MW-DA160MW-DA160LW-DA180MW-DA180LW-DA200L10011212514014016019021621625425427927931880901001001251401401401782102542412793054045505656637089891081081211211336371809090100112132132160160180180200771010101212121215151515192072382783223223683824514516056056676676671919272828283538384949505074119131157164164184218242242304304329329382126140160178178199215255255314314358358358100110127150150170170208208304304329329359224444455556615163186212225225254279320320400400440440460138162183201201223245287287356356396396-868686868610612712712714014014014014086868686861061271271271401401401401402020202020202525253232323232TypeIM B5 mountingM N PSTLAIM B14 mountingM N PSTLAW-DA63SW-DA71SW-DA80MW-DA90SW-DA90LW-DA100LW-DA112MW-DA132SW-DA132MW-DA160MW-DA160LW-DA180MW-DA180LW-DA200L11513016516516521521526526530030030030035095110130130130180180230230250250250250300140160200200200250250300300350350350350400101012121214.514.514.514.518.518.518.518.51933.–––6070809595110110130130180180–––90105120140140160164200200250250–––M5M6M6M8M8M8M8M10M10M12M12–––2.52.53333.–––7999912.51314141313–––TypeShaftDEFGGDEBEDDHW-DA63SW-DA71SW-DA80MW-DA90SW-DA90LW-DA100LW-DA112MW-DA132SW-DA132MW-DA160MW-DA160LW-DA180MW-DA180LW-DA200L11141924242828383842424848552330405050606080801101101101101104568888101012121414168.51115.5202023.923.93333373742.542.549456777788889910102032404050507070100100100100100135455555555555M4 x 10M5 x 12.5M6 x 16M8 x 19M8 x 19M10 x 22M10 x 22M12 x 28M12 x 28M16 x 36M16 x 36M16 x 36M16 x 36M20 x 42DGGDFTAPPED HOLE DHTO DIN 332For tolerance details and notes - see page 159

AA2100E Issue 3eW high efficiency aluminium motorsDimensionsPad/rod mountingLØ ACEBEDTBWØ KK8 HOLES (2 IN EACH PAD)TAPPED ØK x KA DEEPTBHIM B30, IM V30, IM V31IM 9201, IM 9211,IM 9231Mounting optionsHD 1HDJ45°E C B CRSBBTypeGeneralBCJKLAAACBBHDKATerminal boxTBW TBHKKHD 1 86W-DA63S-PW-DA71S-PW-DA80L-PW-DA90L-PW-DA100L-PW-DA112M-PW-DA132S-PW-DA132M-PW-DA160L-PW-DA180L-P9090909010010014014020020045455573.58390108108135160.57083.595103112.5125150150181202M8M8M12M12M12M12M16M16M20M20180203.52532993223363923925335901817232424243535353512614016017819921525525531435811910711311412412417517524523510011512713515416718818824026075911031111231331551551962161212141315181919222286868610612712712714014086868686106127127127140140M20M20M20M20M20M25M25M25M32M32TypeShaftDEFGGDEBEDDHGDW-DA63S-PW-DA71S-PW-DA80L-PW-DA90L-PW-DA100L-PW-DA112M-PW-DA132S-PW-DA132M-PW-DA160L-PW-DA180L-P111419242828383842482330405060608080110110456888101012148.51115.52023.923.933333742.54567778889102032405050707010010013545555555M4 x 10M5 x 12.5M6 x 16M8 x 19M10 x 22M10 x 22M12 x 28M12 x 28M16 x 36M16 x 36DGFTAPPED HOLE DHTO DIN 33210For tolerance details and notes - see page 15

2100E Issue 3eW high efficiency aluminium motorsMounting optionsHorizontal shaft:IM B3IM 1001foot mountedIM B5IM 3001flange at DEno feetIM B6IM 1051foot wall mounted withfeet on left-hand sidewhen viewed from DEIM B7IM 1061foot wall mounted withfeet on right-hand sidewhen viewed from DEIM B8IM 1071ceiling mountedwith feetabove motorIM B14IM 3601face at DEno feetVertical shaft:IM V1IM 3011flange at DEshaft downno feetIM V3IM 3031flange at DEshaft upno feetIM V5IM 1011vertical footwall mountedshaft downIM V6IM 1031vertical footwall mountedshaft upIM V18IM 3611face at DEshaft downno feetIM V19IM 363131face at DEshaft upno feetApproximate shipping specificationsTypeNet weight (kg) Gross weight (kg) Cubage (m 3 )W-DA63W-DA71W-DA80MW-DA90SW-DA90LW-DA100LW-DA112MW-DA132SW-DA132MW-DA160MW-DA160LW-DA180MW-DA180LW-DA200L56.5912.514.524.329.4455084951181261335.46.91013.515.5273350561001061321411480.

2100E Issue 3eW high efficiency aluminium motorsTechnical information:MechanicalBearings and greasingarrangementsBearings are pre-packed with a lithiumcomplex based grease or Polyurea.Regreasing facilities are available on request.Standard and re-greasing facilitiesType80 - 200Lithium complexEsso Unirex N3 with temperaturerange of -30°C to +140°CPolyureaEA6 with a temperaturerange of -40°C to +160°CBearing references and oil sealsBearingsOil seals – bore x O/D x width in mmTypeMountingNumber of polesDrive endNon-drive endDrive endNon-drive endW-DA63AllAll62022Z62022Z15 x 24 x 515 x 24 x 5W-DA71AllAll60032Z60032Z17 x 28 x 617 x 28 x 6W-DA80AllAll62042Z60032Z20 x 30 x 715 x 24 x 5W-DA90AllAll62052Z62032Z25 x 35 x 717 x 28 x 6W-DA100AllAll62062Z62052Z30 x 42 x 725 x 37 x 7W-DA112AllAll62062Z62052Z30 x 42 x 725 x 37 x 7W-DA132AllAll62082Z63052Z40 x 52 x 725 x 37 x 7W-DA160AllAll63092Z63072Z45 x 60 x 835 x 47 x 7W-DA180AllAll63102Z63082Z50 x 65 x 840 x 52 x 7W-DA200AllAll62122Z63102Z60 x 75 x 850 x 65 x 8Grease life a 80°C bearing temperature x 10 3 hoursType3000 min -1 1500 min -1 1000 min -1 750 min -1Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Horizontal VerticalW-DA633030303030303030W-DA713030303030303030W-DA803030303030303030W-DA903030303030303030W-DA1003030303030303030W-DA1123030303030303030W-DA1323025303030303030W-DA1602919303030303030W-DA1802416303030303030W-DA200221430303030303012

2100E Issue 3eW high efficiency aluminium motorsTechnical information:MechanicalAxial and radial loadsMaximum permissible external axial and radial loads in Newtons*TypeW-DA63W-DA71W-DA80W-DA90W-DA100W-DA112W-DA132W-DA160W-DA180W-DA200Poles246246246824682468246824682468246824Horizontal shaftLoadtowardsmotor3242532802362071893393032842964443983493697817105605807686905415651355125311679972144212319731464271127492575226644224739Loadaway frommotor480409436392363345539503484496684638589609110110308809001088101086188517071605151913492639261824681959327433123138282949855302Load towardsmotor3162452722271961743212832602724213663093347436555065217156124634871266113010358581951189516691144246524262166185040944350Shaft upLoad awayfrom motor4914204484053803625655305165287166826416561159110796398511701131979100318381779171115562920295929052358366738013785346954755910Vertical shaftLoad towardsmotor33526429224922420636233031632847644240141683978764366585081165968314861427135912042425246424101863310432383222290649125347Shaft downLoad awayfrom motor4724014283833523305215834604726616065495741063975826841103593278380716181482138712102446239021641639302729882728241246564913Maximumpermissible radial loadat end of shaft(horizontal mounting)4343723963403142927747296466629158547207471295121511451018129512021141100921142068196816003613373835443233437445564334397937703965* All figures are based on Lna bearing life of 20,000 hours. Lna = adjusted L10 life rating taking account of:• reliability • material improvements • lubrication conditions13

2100E Issue 3eW high efficiency aluminium motorsPerformance data – page notesDOL starting(BS EN 60034-12 Design N)Star delta starting(BS EN 60034-12 Design NY)Typical speed/current curveTypical speed/current curveTypical speed/torque curveTypical speed/torque curve(I A ) Starting current(I N ) Full load current(M A ) Starting torque orlocked rotor torque(M S ) Pull up torque or run up torque(M K ) Pull out torque or breakdown torque(M N ) Full load torqueTorque/speed curves for specific motors canbe supplied on request.60Hz voltage supply<strong>Motors</strong> wound for 50Hz supply can beoperated on a 60Hz supply. Performance datalisted on pages 4 to 7 will be unaffected withthe exception of: -Output (kW) - will increase by 15%Speed (min -1 ) - will increase by approximately20%Noise (dB(A)) will increase by approximately: -• 2 pole will increase by 5 dB(A)• 4 pole will increase by 3 dB(A)• 6 pole will increase by 2 dB(A)• 8 pole will increase by 1 dB(A)During the run up period in Star, there must bean adequate excess of motor torque over theload torque. The change to delta must not occuruntil the motor is near the operating speed.Refer to Brook Crompton for running up againsta load in excess of 70% full load during Star/Delta startingMax 525 V on frame size 63SF<strong>Motors</strong> are wound for either 220-240/380-415 volts or 380-415/660-720 voltsJ (WK 2 or WR 2 ) =J in lb ft 2 =GD 24kgm 20.042Where a tolerance is given in one direction only,there is no limit in the opposite direction14

2100E Issue 3eW high efficiency aluminium motorsDimensions – page notesShaftGDBritish and EuropeanDim DTolLimitsF11 to 1819 to 2832 to 4855j6j6k6m6+0.008–0.003+0.009–0.004+0.018+0.002+0.030+0.011DGTAPPED HOLE DHTO DIN 332FlangeFaceIEC 72-1Annex C.I.7 Option 1IEC 72-1Annex C.I.7 Option 1Dim NTolLimitsDim NTolLimits95 and 110130 to 180230 to 250300j6j6h6h6+0.013–0.009+0.014–0.011+0.016–0.013+0.000–0.03260 and 8095 and 110130 and 180j6j6j6+0.012–0.007+0.013–0.009+0.014–0.011All dimensions in millimetresDrain holes are standard on frames 160-180and on request for frames 63-132Cable entry can be arranged in any one of fourpositions at 90° intervalsNo eyebolts on frame sizes 63-100On frame sizes 63-90 the terminal box is offsettowards the non-drive endDimensions should not be used for installationpurposes unless specially endorsedB5 mounted motors have suffix ‘-D’ in theframe reference, eg W-DA132MR-D and B3/B5mounted motors have suffix ‘-H’ in the framereference, eg W-DA132MR-HB14 mounted motors have suffix ‘C’ in theframe reference, eg W-DA132MR-C and B3/B14mounted motors have suffix ‘-H’ in the framereference, eg W-DA132MR-HPad mounted motors have suffix ‘-P’ in theframe reference, eg W-DA132MR-P and rodmounted motors have suffix ‘-R’ in the framereference, eg W-DA132MR-R15

Rotating Electrical MachinesWorldwide sales and service networkEvery care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the informationcontained in this publication, but, due to a policy of continuousdevelopment and improvement the right is reserved to supply productswhich may differ slightly from those illustrated and described in thispublicationFor the most recent version of any Brook Crompton catalogue/leaflet,please refer to www.brookcrompton.comBrook CromptonSt Thomas’ Road HuddersfieldWest Yorkshire HD1 3LJ UKTel: +44 (0) 1484 557200Fax: +44 (0) 1484 557201E-mail: csc@brookcrompton.comInternet: www.brookcrompton.comPrinted in Englandnt127/04/04 2100E issue 3e© Copyright 2004. Brook Crompton. All rights reserved.

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