Uppsala nfo z NRL pro kampylobaktery .ppt [režim kompatibility] - SVA

Uppsala nfo z NRL pro kampylobaktery .ppt [režim kompatibility] - SVA

Uppsala nfo z NRL pro kampylobaktery .ppt [režim kompatibility] - SVA


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I<strong>nfo</strong>rmation from the <strong>NRL</strong> forcampylobacters in theCzech Republic(StateVeterinaryInstitute Olomouc, CZ)Jan BardonAlena Jarosova

Overview of occurence of bacterial zoonoses inhuman population in the CR in 2011 (NIPH -EPIDAT)ZoonosesNumberofreportedcasesNumberofexpected deathsCampylobacteriosis 18 811 2Salmonellosis 8 752 14Yersiniosis 460 0Listeriosis 35 8Tularemia 58 0Leptospirosis 31 0VTEC infections 7 0

Comparison of prevalence of human salmonelosisand campylobacteriosis (NIPH – EPIDAT)

5000450040003500300025002000150010005000Distribution of reported diseases according toage groups the CR in 2011(NIPH – EPIDAT)

Seasonal occurence of human diseases in 20113000250020001500100050001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Today´s premises of SVI Olomouc

Organization chart of SVI OlomoucSVIOlomoucVirologySerologyMicrobiologyFoodHygieneChemistryPathol.AnatomyResidues<strong>NRL</strong>forCampylobacter

Overview of occurence of Campylobacter spp. inthehuman food chain in CR(2006 –2011)Year Investigated material Place ofsamplingN n%2006 Cloacalswab-broilers slaughterhouses 189 49 %2007 Cloacalswab-broilers slaughterhouses 246 45 %2008 Caecum-broilersNeckskin – broilers2009 Neckskin – chilledpoultryNeckskin – frozenpoultry2010 Caecum-broilersIn-linemilkfiltersslaughterhouses 422422supermarketssupermarketsslaughterhousesdairyfarms12012013425261 %70 %75 %37 %72 %3 %2011 Caecum-broilers slaughterhouses 145 63 %N – numberofinvestigatedsamplesn% - prevalence

Species distribution of thermotolerantcampylobacters isolatedfrom broilers´ caeca in2011

Seasonal occurence of campylobacter in broilersaccording to quarters of 201190%70%50%30%10%I. quarter II. quarter III. quarter IV. quarter

Theroutinemethodsforidentificationofcampylobactersin our laboratoryIdentification ofbacteriaPCRMALDI-TOF

Identificationof Campylobacter spp. by theMALDI –TOF method• Very goodidentificationofcampylobacterspecies• Theidentificationis possibledirectlyfromselectiveagar

The quantitativetesting of ATB resistance

ATB resistance of C. coli and C. jejuni isolates(source: broilers2011)ErythromycinCi<strong>pro</strong>floxacinTetracyclineStreptomycinGentamicinChloramphenicolAmpicillinNalidixic acid

ComparisonofATB resistanceofC. coli and C. jejuni isolatesfrommilkand poultry(source: in-line milk filters and poultry, 2010)ErythromycinCi<strong>pro</strong>floxacinTetracyclineStreptomycinGentamicinChloramphenicolAmpicillinNalidixic acid

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