Second Grade Writing Rubric: Narrative - chippewavalleyela

Second Grade Writing Rubric: Narrative - chippewavalleyela

Second Grade Writing Rubric: Narrative - chippewavalleyela

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<strong>Second</strong> <strong>Grade</strong> <strong>Writing</strong> <strong>Rubric</strong>: Informative/ExplanatoryTopic/Genre: ___________________________________________ Date:_______________ Name: ___________________________________________<strong>Writing</strong> Concept: 1 2 3 4 Comments:IdeasWrites informativetext with ideas thatare on topic anddevelop points. writes informative text includes manysupporting facts,details, reasons and/ordefinitions writes informative text includes some supportingfacts, details, reasonsand/or definitions attempts to write ainformative text (ex.makes a list) includes little or nofacts, details, reasons,or definitions does not writeinformative textOrganizationWord UsageConventionsOrganization andconnectionsbetween ideas areclear and logicallysequenced.Demonstrates acommand oflanguage withvaried sentencestructures thatclearly support theauthor's purposeand audience.Conventions ofStandard English forgrammar, usage,spelling,capitalization, andpunctuation for thegrade level areconsistently used. includes a logicalsequence (topic, body,conclusion) uses connecting/transitional words (i.e.and, because, next,then) uses a variety ofcomplete simple andcompound sentences uses a variation ofsentence structures uses capital letters atthe beginning ofsentences, for allproper nouns and forthe pronoun “I” uses proper endpunctuation uses commas andapostrophes correctly uses conventionalspelling patternsconsistently spells frequently usedwords correctly includes a logicalsequence (topic, body,conclusion) attempts to useconnecting/ transitionalwords (i.e. and, because,next, then) uses mainly completesimple sentences attempts to use avariation of sentencestructures uses capital letters at thebeginning of sentences,for all proper nouns andfor the pronoun “I” uses proper endpunctuation attempts to use commasand apostrophescorrectly attempts to use someconventional spellingpatterns spells frequently usedwords correctly lacks a logical sequence(topic, body,conclusion) does not useconnecting/transitionalwords (i.e. and,because, next, then) uses a mix of completeand incompletesentences no variation ofsentence structure inconsistently appliescapitalization rules inconsistently usespunctuation (includingend punctuation,commas andapostrophes) does not applyconventional use ofspelling patterns misspells frequentlyused words lacks topic, bodyor conclusion organization notevident ideas areunrelated mostlyincompletesentences uses little or nopropercapitalization uses little or noproperpunctuation spelling errorsinterfere withunderstanding

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