Letno poročilo 2009.pdf - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2009.pdf - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2009.pdf - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

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Financial StatementsNotes on the Financial StatementsEarning per shareEUR 1,000 31. 12. 2009 31. 12. 2008(1) Net profit for the year 8,798 18,484(2) Number of shares 3,898,878 3,898,878(3) Earning per share in euros (1) / (2) 2.26 4.74Basic and diluted earnings per share are the same as the Bank has no dilutive instruments.Note 25: Interest incomeEUR 1,000 2009 2008Interest on deposits placed with the Central Bank 216 551Interest on financial assets held for trading 19,261 21,275Interest on financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 651 1,400Interest on derivatives used for hedging 6,210 5,745Interest on financial assets available for sale 10,624 4,680Interest on loans and receivables 77,974 110,020To banks 3,380 6,254To customers 74,594 103,766Interest from impaired loans 2,013 2,002To customers 2,013 2,002Interest on financial assets held to maturity 810 296Other interest income 847 517Total 118,606 146,486Note 26: Interest expenseEUR 1,000 2009 2008Interest on balances with the Central Bank 2,207 -Interest on financial liabilities held for trading 18,361 15,630Interest on derivatives used for hedging 7,296 4,428Interest on received deposits and loans 51,701 81,193Paid to banks 40,161 64,627Paid to customers 11,540 16,566Other interest expenses 11 118Total 79,576 101,369Interest expenses for subordinated loans amounts to 712 thousand euros for 2009 (708 thousand euros for 2008).Note 27: Dividend incomeEUR 1,000 2009 2008Dividends from financial assets available for sale 1,638 41Total 1,638 41194 2009 Annual Report · <strong>UniCredit</strong> Bank

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