Letno poročilo 2009.pdf - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2009.pdf - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2009.pdf - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

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granting process for corporate clients started in February 2009with a scheduled transition into regular use in March 2010. Also,in 2009 many smaller business processes and sub-processeswere supported from the information technology point of view. Thisrepresented a first step towards their comprehensive informatisation,which is scheduled for the coming years.The support for the Basel II standards for calculating capitaladequacy was one of the most important priorities of the ITdevelopment in 2009. There is a full-blown activity in this fieldinside the Bank, which is also synchronised throughout the entireGroup. A series of information system expansions was introduced(monitoring client riskiness, control of loan collateral, control ofbad loans payment - in the implementation stage), while for theintegrated collection and monitoring of data we introduced a centraldata warehouse, which currently serves primarily for processing ofthe Basel II related information.As for the introduction of the single payment area in euros (SEPA),the Bank continued with the information system upgrading. InMarch 2009, we transferred domestic payment settlements to thenew clearing house SIMP within <strong>Banka</strong>rt. At the same time, weentirely moved domestic payments into the SEPA payment scheme.Permanent orders were also moved to SEPA as of April 2009.The introduction of the new European Payment Services Directive(PSD) was an important challenge for the Bank, which did notonly require the adjustment of information support, but also a fulladjustment of payment services. The activities were concluded bythe originally envisaged deadline, so since November 2009 the Bankhas been fully in compliance with the Payment Services Directive.The development of new services in the area of card business hasbeen a regular practice within the Bank. In 2009, we offered ourclients a possibility to receive information on executed transactionswith MasterCard and Maestro cards via SMS (the so called SMSsecurity message). This service enables clients a higher level ofsecurity and lower risk in case of card abuse or theft. The Bank alsostarted developing the corporate Maestro card. The development wascompleted by the end of 2009, while the Bank has been offering anew card to its clients since January 2010.The trend of growth of transactions with cards issued by the Bankcontinued in 2009, as we saw a 7 % growth in VISA transactions,a 15 % growth in MasterCard and a 19 % growth in Maestrotransactions. The number of cards issued by the Bank also increased,namely by 12 % for VISA, by 23 % for MasterCard and by 17 % forMaestro cards.In 2009, we continued the trend of increasing number of domestictransactions (by 10 %) as well as the cross-border and internationalpayment transactions (by 5 %). The share of electronically sentpayment orders increased to 94 % in domestic transactions as wellas in cross-border and international payment transactions.In the area of electronic banking, the Bank made an important stepforward for retail clients. As of March 2009, a brand new internetbanking system has been available for clients, which is userfriendlierand offers a<strong>dd</strong>itional services, not enabled by the oldone. This is also a shared information solution for all the Group’ssubsidiary banks in Central and Eastern Europe and allows our usersto manage their accounts with other subsidiary banks. The trend ofincreasing share of users of electronic banking systems continuedthroughout 2009 as well, since 45 % more corporate clients (legalentities) and 37 % more retail clients were using them compared tothe preceding year.In 2010, the Bank will continue to implement projects of informationtechnology support for business processes and to conduct activitiesaimed at supporting the Basel II standard. We also plan theintroduction of various new services, such as e-invoices, where thedevelopment activities are already taking place.Data Protection and Information TechnologySecurityIn 2009, the Bank continued its established operations in the area ofIT system security as well as security in other areas of operations.Index of share of users / installations growth,COMPARISON 2007 - 2009 (in %)100 100137.3144.92007 2008 2009Online b@nk for individual clients - usersE-Bank and MultiCash for corporate clients(legal entities) - installations175.2193.4<strong>UniCredit</strong> Bank · 2009 Annual Report 149

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