Letno poročilo 2009.pdf - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2009.pdf - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2009.pdf - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

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Business ReportFinancial ResultsFINANCIAL ASSETSacquired them as a result of realization of loan collaterals.30302009 20085616530Loans and receivables to banks increased from 289.45 million eurosin 2008 to 561.13 million euros as a consequence of the globalfinancial crisis and the Bank’s intention to keep more liquidityavailable in the short term. Loans and receivables to non-banks rosefrom 2,064.46 million euros to 2,096.92 million euros by the end ofthe year. The increase was moderate primarily due to lower demandfor loans and general economic conditions.289Held to maturity financial investments, where <strong>UniCredit</strong> <strong>Banka</strong><strong>Slovenija</strong> d.d. owns local bank bonds, amounted to 29.77 millioneuros and are thus at a comparable level with 2008, when thiscategory amounted to 29.72 million euros.The increase of tangible and intangible assets from 19.54 millioneuros to 22.15 million euros reflects the Bank’s investments intobusiness infrastructure.Amounts in million EUR21032081The decrease from 62.66 million euros to 27.51 million euros withinother assets is mainly the result of pending securities transaction.Financial liabilities to the Central bank amounted to 120.63 millioneuros, which represents a decrease of 80.10 million euros comparedto 2008. They reflected the amount of repo transactions (repurchaseagreements) the Bank concluded for financing reasons with theCentral bank.Financial liabilities held for trading decreased in 2009 by 27.46million euros and amounted to 81.77 million euros. The positioncomprises solely of the negative market value of derivatives, whichis a consequence of customer driven business.353 21790 14778 42OTHER ASSETSHELD TO MATURITYLOANS AND RECEIVABLES WITH BANKSLOANS AND RECEIVABLES WITH CUSTOMERS *The increase on the asset side was mainly financed by financialliabilities measured at amortized cost, which increased from2,370.38 million euros in 2008 to 2,836.58 million euros by the endof 2009.Loans and deposits from customers increased by 178.47 millioneuros to 820.75 million euros. In order to maintain enough capitaland to comply with the Bank of Slovenia regulation regarding capitaladequacy, the Bank received in 2009 a subordinated loan in theamount of 10 million euros, which together with the subordinate<strong>dd</strong>ebt from 2008 amounts to 30.13 million euros.AVAILABLE FOR SALEHELD FOR TRADINGCASH AND CASH BALANCES WITH CB* The item ››Loans to customers« includes loans measured at amortized cost aswell as well as those measured at fair value through profit and loss.140 2009 Annual Report · <strong>UniCredit</strong> Bank

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