Letno poročilo 2009.pdf - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2009.pdf - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2009.pdf - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

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IntroductionAchievements and Events in 2009of the everyday life and of festivities with more than 3,000 objectson exhibit. In each country, where members of the <strong>UniCredit</strong> Groupare present, our colleagues were thus able to visit at least one of thechosen museums.NOVEMBERInvestment DuoThe customers with surplus funds were offered favourable interestrates on deposits for periods of 6, 12 and 24 months. The winningcombination within the promotion was that of the mentioned depositand ERGO investment life insurance. A diversified funds’ allocationbrought a potentially safer way to enrich one’s savings in unsecuretimes.Entering in force of the Payment Services and Systems ActAs of 1 November 2009, the new Payment Services and Systems Actentered into force thus bringing the new European payment servicesdirective to Slovenia. The Bank successfully adjusted its businessconditions to the new requirements and ensured its clients evengreater transparency and quality of service.DECEMBERChanges in ManagementIn December, dr. Heribert Fernau formally concluded his work as amember of the Management Board of the Bank as the duties relatedto his function officially expired. Until further notice, the Bank’sManagement Board consists of three members.Substitute Grandmothers and Grandfathers for ChildrenLike every year, at the end of 2009, we donated our New Year’spresents’ funds to children from socially deprived families. With ourdonation we enable children from such families to go on holidays,where each child has the opportunity to choose a substitutegrandmother or grandfather, who will keep in touch with the childand encourage him/her in the future. These activities, organizedin cooperation with the Friends of Youth Association, started inDecember, when we collected toys and tools for creative play atevery branch office in Slovenia, with the goal of bringing smiles tochildren’s faces as we approach the New Year.Creative Children of Our EmployeesIn December, the children of our employees created greeting cardsunder the mentoring of volunteers of the Friends of Youth Associationduring workshops, where the children and their parents expressedtheir creativity. The representatives of the Association, to whichwe are granting this year’s donation, were happy to respond to ourinvitation to organize a workshop for the children of our employees.132 2009 Annual Report · <strong>UniCredit</strong> Bank

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