Letno poročilo 2009.pdf - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2009.pdf - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2009.pdf - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

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Forum in Trenta are now playing with the Vienna Philharmonic, whilemany others are engaged with the best European orchestras. Thetraditional event-end concert of solo artists echoed once again at theTrenta Lodge.AUGUSTOffered a Safe and Long-term Option to Enrich Savings withthe Trio Garant Investment Life InsuranceWe offered our customers triple protection in the form of our productTrio Garant: 100 % protection of paid-in funds, 100 % coverage ofinflation across the Euroregion and 10 % return on paid-in funds.We have given them insurance coverage in the case of death in theamount of 110 % of the paid-in funds with the insurance agency’sguarantee and participation in potential return, tied to the businessoperations of the largest European companies and the gold indexvalue.Internal Meeting Marked by Football SpiritThe second anniversary of our new name was celebrated by theLake of PodpeË, where we competed in different football-relatedgames and table football. The best players and teams were awardedthe ››Golden Football Shoe«, we awarded the title of ››Ronaldoof <strong>UniCredit</strong>«. A special ››Golden Football Shoe« was given tothe member of the Management Board Stefan Vavti for specialachievements in the field of football promotion within the Bank. Thistraditional internal event was thus connected with our sponsorship ofthe UEFA Champions League.SEPTEMBERParticipated in the Issuing of the 15-Year State BondThe Republic of Slovenia issued a mandate to the banks HSBC, RBS,SGCIB and <strong>UniCredit</strong> <strong>Banka</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong> d.d. to lead bank syndicate thatorganized the new reference issue of the bonds of the Republic ofSlovenia. Within an hour the total orders exceeded 3.9 billion euros,which reflected great interest on the part of investors. The organizerslowered return to 80 bps above interest rate swap and the volume ofissue to 1.5 billion euros.Introduced Special Promotion Deposit with Fixed Interest RateWe started offering an attractive deposit with 4.4 % annual interestrate for 30-month deposits of funds in euros, which is fixed for itsentire duration and offers protection against the trend of decreasinginterest rates. We have a<strong>dd</strong>ed the option of periodic interest payments(monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually) and access to substitutefunds before the end of the fixed deposit period.Winning Integrity Charter Day Story Comes from MurskaSobotaOn the occasion of the Integrity Charter Day, we dedicated an hourto our values and discussed how every individual experiences theBank's values, which one is the most important and which one weshould pay more attention to in the future. The discussions werecentered around events in which we showed trust, respect, reciprocityand responsibility in our interaction with the customers and where ouractions were in line with the principle of transparency. During 2009,the two most exposed values were trust and respect, which is also areflection of the current situation on the market. Our employees wrotedown their stories and participated in an internal competition.Issuing of Approval for Advanced Measurement Approach forCalculation of Capital Adequacy for Operational Risk by Bankof SloveniaOn 1 st Seprember 2009 the Bank obtained an official approval bythe Bank of Slovenia to use the Advanced Measurement Approachfor the calculation of the capital adequacy for operational risk.The consequence is not only a lower amount of capital neededfor operational risk, but also very high implemented standards formanaging operational risk within the Bank.OCTOBERChanges in ManagementStefan Vavti, former member of the Management Board of the Bank,responsible for the sales network and sales support, left for a newposition inside the <strong>UniCredit</strong> Group. He accepted the challenge whichwill make him responsible for the development of the private bankingsegment of the <strong>UniCredit</strong> Group in Central and Eastern Europe, wherethe Group is present. His position in the Management Board wasgiven to Francesco Vercesi.Winning Consumer Loan with a Favourable Interest RateDuring the UEFA Champions LeagueThe Bank offered a ››winning consumer loan«, which is characterizedby a favourable interest rate that is even lower until the end of May2010. Customers can obtain loans of up to 20,000 euros with thepossibility of repayment periods of up to 10 years.Euromoney Survey: <strong>UniCredit</strong> <strong>Banka</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong> d.d. is theLeading Banking Services Provider in the Field of CashManagementEuromoney, an international financial magazine, named <strong>UniCredit</strong><strong>Banka</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong> d.d. leading banking services provider in the field ofcash managment, based on a survey.Art Day in 22 CountriesOn the second Saturday in October, the doors of the SlovenianEthnographic Museum were open for all the employees of the<strong>UniCredit</strong> Group, who were invited to attend three exhibitions. Thevisitors were able to see the exhibition entitled Between Nature andCulture, which is a treasury of the Slovenian and European heritage<strong>UniCredit</strong> Bank · 2009 Annual Report 131

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