Letno poročilo 2009.pdf - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2009.pdf - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2009.pdf - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

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IntroductionAchievements and Events in 2009<strong>UniCredit</strong> Group Became the Main Sponsor of InternationalGuest Performances by the La Scala Theatre<strong>UniCredit</strong> Group became the proud main sponsor of the internationaltour of the La Scala theatre from 2009 to 2013. By supporting thisemblem of excellence, the Group strengthened its commitment tomusic, a universal language that connects people. This sponsorshipalso coincides with the international profile of the Group.Helped Customers to Obtain Favourable Loans with DepositsWe offered competitive interest rates for deposits also to legalentities. If during the period of deposit a company should need funds,they can obtain substitute funds in the same amount under veryfavourable conditions and with no a<strong>dd</strong>itional costs.Bank of Slovenia Approved Preparations to Enter FoundationIRB Approach (F-IRB) for Calculation of Capital RequirementBetween 20 April and 22 May, the Bank of Slovenia conducted thepre-assessment audit in order to evaluate the on-going preparationactivities for calculation of capital requirement under the FoundationIRB approach for corporate clients. The message that was given to ourBank during the exit meeting was that the overall integration of the IRBapproach within the Bank should be the basis for further developmentof banking business.JUNEOrganized Meeting of EntrepreneursWe organized a meeting of the most influential Slovenianentrepreneurs held at Jable Castle. Among other things, wereached the conclusion that the key factors that will enable furtherdevelopment of the competitiveness of the Slovenian economy willbe new business models for overcoming crisis circumstances and aspreparation for the exploitation of new opportunities during periodsof economic growth. Agreements between social partners must bemore flexible, faster and more effective. The first responsibility of thegovernment is to achieve a positive social and economic climate andthe necessary conditions for a competitive economy on a long-term.With a Last Minute Consumer Loan We Helped RealiseVacation DreamsWe offered a consumer loan to our customers that was characterisedby a fast approval process and non-restricted use of the funds forvacations or larger purchases.Collected Donations to Help Abruzzo Earthquake VictimsThe employees of the Bank have joined the Group initiative to collectdonations to help with the rebuilding of the houses of the victims ofthe earthquake in Abruzzo.Journalists Were Given the Opportunity to Meet With theChairman of the Supervisory BoardOn the occasion of the visit of Federico Ghizzoni in Slovenia, weorganized for the first time a meeting with the representatives of themedia.JULYOffered Free Account Management to Customers Who LostTheir JobsOne of the most negative outcomes of the financial crisis is, withoutdoubt, the loss of employment. We decided to lend a hand to ourcustomers who found themselves in this unenviable situation,by inviting them to bring their unemployment status papers tothe branch office where they have an account open by the end ofNovember 2009. By doing so, they were granted free of chargeaccount management until they find new employment or until end ofDecember, 2010.<strong>UniCredit</strong> Group Became Sponsor of the UEFA ChampionsLeague for the Next Three SeasonsThe <strong>UniCredit</strong> Group became a proud sponsor of the UEFAChampions League until 2012. The UEFA Champions League is oneof the most popular international football competitions on club level,followed passionately by one out of every two European citizens.Meeting with the La Scala Ballet DancersPart of the international tour, supported by the <strong>UniCredit</strong> Group,was also the performance of the La Scala ballet dancers at theLjubljana Summer Festival. Before the start of the show, we invitedrepresentatives of the media and journalists covering cultural topicsto attend a press conference, where they were joined by the bestdancers who performed at the show. After the show, the dancers alsoattended the reception that we organized for our business partners.Concert Echoed in Trenta Also in 2009More than 150 talented music students from Central and EasternEurope answered the call for applications, 23 successfully completedall the tests and were accepted to the Trenta training. For the tenthyear in a row, Bank Austria, a member of the <strong>UniCredit</strong> Group, incooperation with the Vienna Philharmonics organized the InternationalMusic Forum in Trenta, where talented students were introducedto the sound of one of the best orchestras in the world, throughmaster courses for violin, viola and violoncello players. An intensiveworkshop that lasted ten days and was held in the Trenta national parkwas once again led by teachers and by the best string instrumentplayers of the Vienna Philharmonic. The best participants were giventhe opportunity to introduce themselves to the public during theconcert held at the renowned Musikverein in Vienna. The best amongthem will also have the opportunity to be given an engagement withthe orchestra, since many participants of the International Music130 2009 Annual Report · <strong>UniCredit</strong> Bank

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