Letno poročilo 2009.pdf - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2009.pdf - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2009.pdf - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

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a row at all the branch units. Division managers and members ofthe Management Board spent a day at local branch offices aroundSlovenia. At this opportunity, they had the chance to listen to theircolleagues and clients’ opinions on further development of bankingservices.Beginning of Plastic Bottle Caps Collection ProjectWith our activities we wish to help the environment in which weoperate. We thus invited our employees and customers to help in thecollection of plastic bottle caps, in order to help with the purchase ofa wheelchair for a girl from a socially deprived family. Many schools,day-care centres, bars and restaurants later joined our initiative.Received Award for Convincing CommercialAt the 18 th Slovenian Advertising Festival (SOF) we were awarded withthe golden award for the TV commercial ››Maybe you need a biggerapartment«.Delivered a Series of Lectures for the Members of the LocalChambers of Craft and Small BusinessesThe situation on the international and local financial markets has animportant impact on the business results of local companies. Expertmeetings are an opportunity for the enrichment and enhancement ofknowledge on the current situation of the market, since the membersof the local Chambers of Craft and Small Businesses were able toshare their questions with the financial experts of the Bank.Successful Inclusion into New Payment System (SEPA IKP) forDomestic PaymentsOn 4 March 2009, the Bank was included into the newly establishedSEPA IKP payment system, which enables processing of smallvalue domestic payments in accordance with the SEPA standards.By using the SEPA rules and standards, the Bank offers its clientsmore effective and standardised conduction of domestic paymenttransactions.APRILSecurity SMS Message Gives Our Customers More Safety inCard Business OperationsSince April 2009 customers of the Bank have been receivingnotifications on their card transactions. We have offered them threedifferent service packages; among others, a customer can determinethe transaction amount of which they wish to be notified via SMS. Toenable the customers to learn about the advantages of the service, wehave offered a one-month free trial period.Up to Five Percent Interest Rate DepositWe prepared an offer of attractive interest rates for deposits.Customers, who transfer their operations from other banks to<strong>UniCredit</strong> <strong>Banka</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong> d.d., can obtain a 5 % fixed interest rate ondeposits for two years. If during the two years a customer should needfunds, they can obtain substitute funds under favourable conditions.Call for Applications for Scholarships for the New EuropeMaster ProgramThe <strong>UniCredit</strong> Group and the Cassamarca Foundation presentedthe program New Europe Master with emphasis on banking andentrepreneurship and a chance for a 3-month internship with the<strong>UniCredit</strong> Group. The scholarship, which amounts to up to 22,000euros, was geared to selected graduates (both bachelor’s andmaster’s degrees) and young professionals from countries of Centraland Eastern Europe, where the Group is present.Meeting of Shareholders Confirmed Development PlanAt the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Bank it was discussed,among other things, how to allocate the Bank’s profit and the basisfor the Bank's 2009 development plan. The Internal Audit Plan wasapproved, while the Bank's profit for 2008 was entirely allocated toother reserves from profit.Financial Markets BreakfastClients and representatives of the media were invited to a lectureheld by dr. Philip Gisdakis, who touched upon the following topics:economic development and overview with emphasis on Europe, anoverview of the main currencies (EUR, USD, CHF), an analysis ofshares, an analysis of the interest rate for the Euro, an overview of rawmaterials; base metals, precious metals, oil. The Financial MarketsBreakfast, which has been well attended for several times now, wasinaugurated by the Chairman of the Management Board of the Bankdr. France Arhar.MAYJournalist Award ››Writing for CEE« in the European ››Super-Year«We invited Slovenian journalists to participate with their contributionsin the competition organized by our sister bank. Bank Austria andthe Austrian Press Agency - APA have continued their successfulcooperation in 2009 and awarded journalists for their excellent work.A prize in the amount of 5,000 euros was given for the sixth time.››Minibus of Joy« Will Surely Bring Many Positive Experiencesto the YoungWith our New Year’s donation at the end of 2008 we decided to revivethe project of educating youth on the streets of their home towns,instead of purchasing gifts. At the inauguration ceremony of the››Minibus of Joy« during the Fužine Festival, the mobile centre wasfirst introduced to the children. The minibus visited many Sloveniantowns in 2009. For information and photo material on the towns and places that Minibus of Joy hasalready visited or will visit in the future, please see the following web site: http://skala.donbosko.si/<strong>UniCredit</strong> Bank · 2009 Annual Report 129

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