March 1, 2010 - American Bus Association

March 1, 2010 - American Bus Association

March 1, 2010 - American Bus Association


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ABA Insider<strong>March</strong> 1, <strong>2010</strong> | Issue Number 66The Most Accurate News Source for the Motorcoach, Tour, and Travel IndustrySpringfield, Mass. to Host 2011 Top 100 Events SelectionIn This Issue:FTA Emailing OperatorsOn Charter Rules2NTSB Issues <strong>2010</strong> Safety“Most Wanted List”2OMCA-ABA PlanningTour Operator Summit3Did You Know?Diesel’s national average price rosefor the first time in six weeks lastweek, gaining 7.6 cents to $2.832a gallon, the Department of Energyreported.Individual Highlights:Member Services 3In The States 5Travel Tracks 6Canadian Currents 7New Members 8ABA has announced that Top 100 Site Selection Committee for 2011 Events inNorth America will be meeting June 6-9, <strong>2010</strong>, in Springfield, Mass., courtesyof the Springfield CVB and partners. And for the first time, this year all ABAmembers, regardless of membership category, can submit nominations for2011’s Top 100 Events.Official state and provincialtourism offices will be eligibleto nominate up to sevenevents each at no cost; ABAmembers from all categories,including bus and touroperators, travel industry andassociates, will be eligible tosubmit up to three nomineesat no cost; and non-ABAmembers in all categories willbe eligible to submit onenominee for $100, a fee that isrefundable if that companyjoins ABA in <strong>2010</strong>.Among the Springfield, Mass.attractions is the state capitol.“We are grateful for Springfield’s civic leadership, and that of its tourism partners,for their hospitality,” said ABA President & CEO Peter Pantuso, CTIS. “This is the 29thannual meeting to decide ABA’s Top 100 Events In North America, and destinationsare critical to shaping this key guide for professional travel planners and thegeneral public.”The annual list highlights the top fairs, festivals, parades, exhibits, theater, andshows across North America. While the Top 100 Events are not ranked, ABAhighlights both the Top U.S. and Top Canadian Events for each year. For <strong>2010</strong>, thewinning events are the Fiesta San Antonio April 16-25 and the Canadian NavalCentennial all year.Studies from the ABA Foundation indicate a motorcoach group of 55 travelersspending one night at a destination can infuse that local economy with up to $11,660in tourism dollars spent on lodging, meals, admissions, fees, shopping, souvenirs,services, and local taxes. And, of course, events drawing large groups can create jobs.The Top 100 list is chosen from more than 500 events expected to be nominated. ASelection Committee of tour operators will base its selections on the events’ broadappeal, their accessibility to large groups arriving by motorcoach, and a variety of othercriteria. ABA member operators interested in serving on the Selection Committeeshould contact Courtney Davis at (800) 283-2877, or e-mail cdavis@buses.org.The full list of <strong>2010</strong> Top 100 winners is online at www.buses.org/top100. The 2011winners will be notified by Aug. 31, <strong>2010</strong>. ABA will publicly announce the list of 2011Top 100 Events In North America around Labor Day.

ABAInsiderBE SURE TOGET AWINDOW SEATBACK- IN-TIME.FTA Sending Notices to Continue Charter <strong>Bus</strong> E-Mail Alerts for OperatorsMany bus operators have recently received email notices from the Federal TransitAdministration (FTA) related to their registration status on the FTA’s CharterRegistration Web site.Per the federal regulations governing the charter bus rules (49 CFR 604.13[e]),bus operators seeking registration as a charter operator are required to provideupdated contact and fleet information every two years. The FTA is now beginningthe process of notifying operators of the update and re-registration requirement asoperators approach their two-year anniversary date on the Web site. These e-mailmessages have commonly been titled “Charter Service Registration Expiration.”Upon receipt of a notification from the FTA, operators are expected to fill out anew registration form online on their anniversary date. As many operators whohave tried to make changes to their profiles know well, the FTA’s charter Website does not allow for updates, only the creation or deletion of records, sore-registration is necessary.The FTA’s charter bus rules continue to protect the private bus industry fromfederally subsidized and illegal competition from public transit agencies. Throughthe FTA’s Charter Registration Web site, nearly 1,150 private operators have beenable to be electronically notified of charter business opportunities. You also needto be a registered charter operator before you can bring a complaint againstillegally operating transit agencies.If operators would like to continue to receive these important electronic charterbusiness alerts from the transit agencies in their service areas, we encourage themto re-register in correspondence with their anniversary date. If you have anytechnical questions or concerns about the implementation of the charter bus ruleyou should contact the FTA’s ombudsman, Crystal Frederick at (202) 366-4063,ombudsman.charterservice@dot.gov.DISCOVER YOUR NEXTGROUP DESTINATIONNTSB Issues <strong>2010</strong> “Most Wanted List” for Transportation ImprovementsThe National Transportation Safety Board just issued its <strong>2010</strong>federal Most Wanted list of Transportation Safety Improvements,adding rail, aviation and marine issues, and removing the issueareas dealing with improved protection for school bus passengersand fatigue in the pipeline industry. Several motorcoach issueswere downgraded. “Every one of the hundreds of currently opensafety recommendations address concerns that the Safety Boardhas uncovered in its accident investigations,” NTSB ChairmanDeborah A.P. Hersman said. “But the recommendations on theNTSB’s HersmanMost Wanted list represent those improvements that can have the widest benefit.”Each issue area is color coded by NTSB to designate its action/timeliness: Red forUnacceptable Response; Yellow for Acceptable Response, Progressing Slowly; andGreen for Acceptable Response, Progressing in a Timely Manner.The <strong>2010</strong> Most Wanted list addresses recommendations in the categoriesaffecting bus transportation are: “Improve the Safety of Motor Carrier Operations,”which includes NTSB’s recommendation aimed at preventing motor carriers fromoperating if they put vehicles with mechanical problems on the road orunqualified drivers behind the wheel. Because of FMCSA’s pace on the issue, theNTSB designation was downgraded from Yellow to Red.2

ABAInsiderAlso affecting bus operators is NTSB’s “Prevent Collisions by Using EnhancedVehicle Safety Technology,” in which NTSB has recommended the use of adaptivecruise control and collision warning technologies to improve highway safety. ADepartment of Transportation analysis has shown that 48 percent of accidentscould be prevented by the use of certain collision warning systems. Thedesignation on this issue remains Yellow.And the items on the list affecting Over-The-Road <strong>Bus</strong>es concludes with“Prohibit Cell Phone Use by Motorcoach Drivers,” as NTSB believes commercialdrivers at the wheels of motorcoaches and school buses should be preventedfrom using cell phones, a position ABA supports. With some progress being madeby the Department of Transportation and FMSCA, the designation remains Yellow.LaHood Issues Model Anti-Texting Bill For StatesU.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood last week unveiledsample legislation to be used as a model template for statescrafting new laws to prohibit texting while behind-the-wheel,the latest step in the DOT’s campaign against distracteddriving. The sample state law, prepared with the assistance ofthe National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),would authorize law enforcement officers to stop a vehicleand issue a citation to drivers who are texting while driving.“Texting while driving, like talking on cell phones whiledriving, is an extremely dangerous and life-threatening practice,” LaHood said.“This language, which we created with a variety of safety organizations, is anotherpowerful tool in our arsenal to help the states combat this serious threat.”According to NHTSA research, nearly 6,000 people died in 2008 in crashesinvolving a distracted or inattentive driver, and more than half a million wereinjured. Research also shows that the most frequent offenders are the youngestand least-experienced drivers, men and women less than 20 years of age.The sample state law is patterned on the executive order issued by PresidentObama on Oct. 1, 2009, directing federal employees not to engage in textmessaging while driving government-owned vehicles or with government-ownedequipment. Federal employees were required to comply with the ban starting onDec. 30, 2009.In addition, on Jan. 26, Secretary LaHood announced federal guidance toprohibit texting by drivers of commercial vehicles such as large trucks and buses.Truck and bus drivers who text while driving commercial vehicles may be subjectto civil or criminal penalties of up to $2,750. ABA supports the DOT position.Currently, 19 states and the District of Columbia have texting laws covering alldrivers. In 2009, more than 200 distracted driving bills were considered by Statelegislatures and legislative activity is expected to remain strong in <strong>2010</strong>. Thedepartment recently launched www.distraction.gov as a forum, informationclearinghouse, and source of comprehensive information on distracted driving.MEMBER SERVICES: OMCA, ABA Planning Tour Operator SummitThe Ontario Motor Coach <strong>Association</strong> (OMCA) and the ABA are working together ona joint tour operator summit, and New York State has expressed interest in hosting3

GRAPEVINEVINTAGE TEXASThe PremierDestination ofNorth Texas800-457-6338GrapevineTexasUSA.comUnlikeAnywhere.With familiar landmarksand new adventures to bediscovered, Rapid City offersunique sights and scenery youABAInsiderthe event. ABA is reviewing Empire State proposals this week, and hopes to select ahost destination shortly. “We are hoping to offer tour operators a very inexpensiveopportunity to attend this event, including an easily accessible location and goodroom rates from our New York State travel partners,” said ABA President & CEO PeterPantuso, CTIS. “This summit promises to address issues that include tour trends anddemographic developments, U.S.-Canadian border crossing issues; socialnetworking and much more,” said OMCA President Brian Crow.Currently ABA and OMCA are considering charging tour operators $99 andoffering a rebate for those who attend. The preferred date for the two-day summitis April 22-23, with the back-up dates of April 29-30 or April 15-16. The two-daysummit would include an Operator-to-Operator Session (both OMCA and ABAtour operators), a regional trade show featuring area tour and travel partners, aroundtable & coffee talk, sponsored by Cracker Barrel, as well as educationalseminars covering tour trends and demographic shifts; border crossing issues;online business building using GroupConnect; social networking; Canadian errorsand omissions insurance update; and working with travel agents to increase sales.As this summit is still in the developmental phase, tour operators areencouraged to provide their input by emailing comments and suggestions tomeetingsdept@buses.org.MEMBER SERVICES: Reminder for ASCAP, BMI UsersABA first negotiated a discount for association members with the <strong>American</strong> Societyof Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP) and with Broadcast MusicIncorporated (BMI) nearly a decade ago, in 2002. These two organizations, ASCAP andBMI, protect 98 percent of the music industry from copyright fraud or infringement.Every business is required to obtain ASCAP and BMI licenses inorder to play music as part of a performance, for customerentertainment, or as part of the music rights on movies. Bowlingalleys, restaurants, department stores, hotels, and even funeralparlors have ASCAP and BMI licenses.The rates are $24.53 per coach per year for ASCAP and $20.00 percoach per year for BMI for current ABA members. While ABA understands this is anadded cost to members, ABA has worked to ensure the lowest possible rates formembers as part of its Premium Partnerships program. If you choose not to play musicor videos on your coaches, you do not need ASCAP or BMI licenses. For those who arecurrently part of the agreement or who wish to participate, please remit payment,accompanied by both the ASCAP and BMI forms online.4TourRapidCity.com1-800-487-3223 ext. 8489MEMBER SERVICES: Members Receive Discounts for Employee SubstanceAbuse Screening, TestingThrough a Premium Partnership with HireRight, ABA members receive specialdiscount pricing for drug and alcohol testing services. HireRight also offers acomplete line of employment and security screening products includingcriminal history searches, driving records, employment history and verifications,and more. Call Angela McElyea at HireRight for details: (800) 331-9175 x2507 ore-mail her at angela.mcelyea@hireright.com. For more details about HireRight,please visit www.hireright.com.

ABAInsiderBENHERE?DOTHIS!You lovePhiladelphia’sfavorites...Now it’s time toexperience the rest.Explore new tourideas with us.Let’s talk.800-CALL-PHL ext. 2MEMBER SERVICES: Members Attending TRAVDEX Receive Special DiscountABA members who register to attend TRAVDEX May 5-7, <strong>2010</strong>, in Atlanta by <strong>March</strong>12 will qualify for a special price of $199 per person. The show includes travelindustry product demonstrations, technological innovations, networking andsocial events, over the course of two cost-effective days of unparalleled businessdevelopment opportunities—as well as up to 36 pre-scheduled, one-on-oneappointments during the trade show.Register now to maintain your technological and innovative edge. Hotelrates start at $139 per night. Want to find out more? Watch the video. Or call(860) 350-4084 x691 for more info.IN THE STATES: New York City to Keep Plan to Ease Midtown Traffic Jams,Bloomberg SaysNew York City will permanently adopt a plan to reduce traffic congestion inmidtown Manhattan by expanding pedestrian space in Times and Herald squares,Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced last month.The pilot initiative, known as Green Light for Midtown, was announced inFebruary 2009 as a means of speeding traffic flow by cutting out choke pointsalong Broadway and replacing them with plazas laid out with seating, tables, andplantings. The street plaza approach is a component of Bloomberg’s PLANYC 2030,a long-term environmental sustainability blueprint for the city. The plan includesstrategies for expanding open space, easing gridlock, improving air quality, andaddressing climate change. In April 2008, the efforts of ABA, working with localoperators and attractions through state legislators, helped convince Bloomberg todrop a congestion pricing plan by showing the congestion mitigation function1,000 motorcoaches entering Manhattan daily have on automobile traffic.Although the city did not meet its stated pilot plan goals of improving trafficspeeds by 17 percent on Seventh Avenue and 37 percent on Sixth Avenue,Bloomberg was satisfied city officials had found the project had improvedoverall area traffic speeds by 7 percent.IN THE STATES: Oklahoma Bill Targets “Party <strong>Bus</strong>” ChartersOklahoma State Sen. Debbe Leftwich(D-Oklahoma City) has won approvalfrom the full State Senate for SenateBill 1762, which cracks down on partybus companies that do not enforceunderage drinking laws prohibitingconsumption by minors. Leftwich filedthe legislation after a high school inher district contacted her about theproblem. She claims her bill wouldmake it illegal for a person owningor operating a hired bus to knowinglytransport minors who are drinking or in possession of alcohol or low-point beer. Itwould be a misdemeanor with a fine of up to $500 for the driver and for the owner of5

<strong>March</strong>/April <strong>2010</strong>ABAInsiderthe vehicle. Those convicted of a subsequent offense would face the fine and the lossof their CDL. In addition, the company owning the vehicle could be barred fromoperating in Oklahoma for one year.6 CHECK OUTTHE LATESTDESTINATIONSONLINETHESPORTSSECTIONHalls of Fame | NCAASports | Li tle LeagueWorld SeriesGLORYDAYSSPORTS HALLS OF FAMEGIVE FANS A HOME MARKETPLACE WRAP UPTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN BUS ASSOCIATIONTRAVELRESOURCEEASTCENTRAL& WESTPage 43The Official Publicationof the <strong>American</strong><strong>Bus</strong> <strong>Association</strong>TRAVEL TRACKS: Madame Tussauds DC Plans $2M Wax Gallery of PresidentsDC Mayor Adrian Fenty and a wax rendering of thefifth U.S. president, John Quincy Adams, joinedMadame Tussauds NY/DC GM Janine DiGioacchinolast month to announce plans for the creation of anew $2 million-plus U.S. Presidential Gallery thatwill house wax figures of all 44 U.S. presidents—nine of which have made their debuts. Scheduledto open in fall <strong>2010</strong>, the launch of the gallery willmake Madame Tussauds DC the only place in theworld where people can see and interact with all44 U.S. presidents.“This fall visitors to Madame TussaudsWashington DC will have the chance to step intohistory and interact with all of the U.S. Presidents ina way unlike ever before,” DiGioacchino said. “As the only place in the world thatpeople will be able to meet and take a picture with all 44 U.S. presidents, MadameTussauds DC. will provide a unique and enriching educational experience forhistory buffs, students, and general visitors alike.”The museum entrance is on the corner of 10th and F Streets, NW. Hours ofoperation are 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday through Thursday; and 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday,Saturday, and Sunday. For more information, visit www.madametussaudsdc.com orcall (202) 942-7300.TRAVEL TRACKS: Senate Passes Travel Promotion ActThe U.S. Senate late last week easily passed the bipartisan Travel Promotion Act by amargin of 78-18, sending the bill to President Obama’s desk for his signature makingit law. The Act establishes a multi-million dollar public-private partnership to promotethe United States as a travel destination and explain travel security policies toinbound international travelers. The legislation passed the House in November and isexpected to be signed within days by the president. “ABA is proud to have supportedthis historic bill that recognizes the economic value of global tourism and travel toU.S. attractions and destinations,” said ABA President & CEO Peter Pantuso, CTIS.The Travel Promotion Act creates the Corporation for Travel Promotion, whosemission is to attract more visitors to the United States. The initiative is fundedthrough a matching program featuring up to $100 million in private sectorcontributions and a $10 fee on foreign travelers who do not pay $131 for a visato enter the United States. The fee will be collected once every two years inconjunction with the Department of Homeland Security’s Electronic System forTravel Authorization. No money is provided by U.S. taxpayers.The Corporation will work closely with the Departments of Commerce, HomelandSecurity, and State to develop a nationally coordinated public awareness campaignto reach more international visitors and explain evolving U.S. travel security policies.

ABAInsiderTRAVEL TRACKS: BRC Coach & Transit Opening Las Vegas FacilityCalgary, Alberta-based Big Rig Collision, an ABA Capital Region Marketplace<strong>2010</strong> Product Pavilion exhibitor, will open a new facility in Las Vegas later thisyear. The new branch will operate under the new banner of BRC Coach &Transit, and will offer full collision repair and bus refurbishment services. BRCwill simulate their state-of-the-art Canadian facility which houses more than30 buses under one roof, a 175-ton frame straightening machine and two 60-foot paint booths.“We have been providing collision repair and refurbishment services toour U.S. customers from our Calgary location for many years,” said BRC Coach &Transit President Brad Field (formerly Big Rig Collision). “We are answering theirrequest to set up a location closer to them. Las Vegas provides easy transportationlogistics and is in close proximity to much of the western U.S. market.”TRAVEL TRACKS: Delaware North to Operate Kennedy Space CenterVisitor ComplexDelaware North Companies Parks& Resorts will on May 1, <strong>2010</strong>,begin operating the KennedySpace Center Visitor Complex.During the past 15 years, thecompany has worked with NASAto implement extensiveeducational programs, includingdesigning and building majornew attractions such as theApollo/Saturn V Center, a tributeto NASA’s lunar landing program;and the recent Shuttle LaunchExperience, which simulates whatastronauts experience whilelaunching into space aboard aspace shuttle. For moreinformation, visitwww.ExperienceDNC.com.7CANADIAN CURRENTS: Prevost Debuts New Technology in <strong>2010</strong> Volvo D13Prevost is gearing up for a significant new initiative in <strong>2010</strong>,when the Québec-based motorcoach manufacturer introducesVolvo’s <strong>2010</strong> D13 engine with Advanced SCR (SelectiveCatalytic Reduction) to its markets in North America. The VolvoSCR system not only meets, but also exceeds U.S. EPA <strong>2010</strong>requirements, delivering near-zero emissions of particulatesand NOx (oxides of nitrogen). In conjunction with the launch ofthe fuel-efficient engine, Prevost has developed a new Web sitedetailing the technology, www.Volvo<strong>Bus</strong>SCR.com.

New Members—Print and Add toYour <strong>2010</strong> ABA Motorcoach MarketerCan’t wait for theABA Insider to makethe office rounds?Sign up today to receiveit automatically bye-mail every other week.Click here to be addedto the ABA Insiderdistribution list.TRAVEL INDUSTRYFairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Denver Cherry CreekCorey Lozano, Sales Manager1680 S. Colorado Blvd.Denver, CO 80222PH: (303) 691-2223 Fax: (303) 691-0062corey.lozano@marriott.comwww.marriott.com/denfiLodgingFirekeepers CasinoLibby Olin, <strong>Bus</strong> Coordinator11177 E. Michigan Ave.Battle Creek, MI 49014PH: (269) 660-5755 Fax: (269) 660-5798lolin@firekc.comwww.firekeeperscasino.comCasinoHistoric Saint Mary’s CitySusan Wilkinson, Dir. of Marketing18559 Hogaboom Ln.St. Mary’s City, MD 20686PH: (240) 895-4967 Fax: (301) 895-4968sgwilkinson@smcm.eduwww.stmaryscity.orgHistoric AttractionPlease Touch MuseumLauren Rose, Dir. of Marketing4231 Avenue of the RepublicPhiladelphia, PA 19131PH: (215) 581-3181 Fax: (215) 581-3183lrose@pleasetouchmuseum.orgwww.pleasetouchmuseum.orgMuseumQUALIFIED OPERATORSThe following Motorcoach & Tour Operators havesubmitted application(s) for membership between Feb. 6,<strong>2010</strong> through February 22, <strong>2010</strong> and have met allmembership requirements. They are currently in themandatory 30-day period for member comments.Chariots For Hire(DOT: 1030397)Courtney West, PresidentMcLean, VAwww.chariotsforhire.comAirport Connection Inc. dbaRoadrunner Transportation Services(DOT: 1440043)Gilbert Pinon, Fleet ManagerCamarillo, CAwww.rrshuttle.comRunion Tours and Charters(TLC Motorcoach Inc dba)(DOT: 477819)Larry Runion, PresidentSwannanoa, NCwww.runiontours.comABAInsiderEron Shosteck, Editor In ChiefRoderick Lewis, Membership EditorPat Jones, Contributing EditorBrian Parker, Advertising DirectorJudith Whitt, Circulation Manager8700 13th Street NW, Suite 575Washington, DC 20005(202) 842-1645FAX (202) 842-0850E-MAIL: abainfo@buses.orgwww.buses.orgTwo ABA Members Tapped for Travel and Tourism BoardStephen Perry, President & CEO of theNew Orleans CVB, and Holly Agra,president and owner of Chicago’s FirstLady Cruises, have been selected bythe Obama Administration to serve onthe U.S. Travel & Tourism AdvisoryBoard. In their new posts, they willprovide counsel on issues that includeHomeland Security, visa and StateDepartment matters, congressionalpolicy, business travel, conventions andmeetings, and national travel industryFresh off a Super Bowl win, New Orleans scored anothervictory with Perry’s selection to the Travel and Tourism Board.advocacy, among many others.“We are thrilled to have two ABA members serving on this key White Houseadvisory board,” said ABA President & CEO Peter Pantuso, CTIS. “We know theywill do exemplary jobs representing the travel and tourism communities, and inrelaying the importance of them to economic vitality from coast to coast.”Local civic leaders hailed the Crescent City’s new influence in helping to shapetravel and tourism policy. “New Orleans has never before had this kind ofrepresentation at the top,” said Steve Pettus, Chairman of the New Orleans CVB.“We are proud of Stephen for successfully leading the revival of tourism in itsmost difficult time during Katrina and a national recession and now representingour destination on the international scene.”Consistently recognized as one of the top five CVBs in the country, the NewOrleans CVB is celebrating its 50th anniversary in <strong>2010</strong>. For more information,visit www.neworleanscvb.com.

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