1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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word, nor letting anything separate us from that love of Godwhich is in the anointed Jesus our Lord.Since writing the above I have received, and have been readingthe January number of the TOWER. You therein mentionedwhat seems to you an unvarying rule, viz.: "that light andopportunity afforded by the truth must be used, or these talentsfor service will be taken away. We must let our lights so shineas to glorify our Father in heaven, else it will become darkness."Yes, Brother, this also has been a part of my experience. Trulywe all need to heed the warnings given, that we may not befound "asleep" nor "drunken" (intoxicated with the spirit of theworld). Therefore, let us watch and be sober.Your brother in Christ, __________.R721 : page 2====================CHRIST OUR PASSOVER."For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us: therefore letus keep the feast." 1 Cor. 5:7,8.The Passover feast lasts seven days with the Jews,commencing this year March 31 and ending April 7, and typifiesperfect and everlasting purity and joy to all who partake of theLamb slain. Paul teaches that as Christ our passover [lamb] isslain, so many of us as have by faith partaken of his imputedmerit should henceforth continually rejoice before God and feastupon the truth, putting away completely all leaven of sin; malice,hypocrisy, etc.The death and eating of the Passover lamb was with Israel thecause or basis for the "Passover Feast" which lasts a week. Thelamb was slain the day preceding the feast week, and was thetype of Jesus' death. Hence the anniversary of the crucifixionthis year [Jewish time] will be March 30, between noon and 3o'clock P.M.; and the evening before, viz., the Sunday eveningMarch 29 (the same day by Jewish time, their day beginning at 6o'clock in the evening) between 6 o'clock and 10 o'clock, was thetime spent in killing, preparing and eating the Passover supper,and after it the supper of bread and wine, representing our Lord'sbody and blood broken and shed for us, which he hereintroduced to his disciples as thereafter taking the place of theliteral lamb; these emblems being representative of himself theantitype --"The Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of theworld."When the Lord, after giving the disciples the bread and wine asemblems of his body and blood, and telling them to partake ofthem, said, "This do in remembrance of me," (Luke 22:19,) we

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