1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


are advised that the steamer is not yetrunning between Cedar Keys and Disston,therefore the best route, at present,is via Jacksonville, Sanford and Tampato Pinellas.====================R706 : page 8THE LORD'S POOR LIST.As stated in our TERMS on first page,we send this paper free to all who cannotpay for it and apply to be entered on theLORD'S POOR LIST. Such should applyat the beginning of each year, that we maybe assured of their continued interest.Modesty is a Christian virtue, andwhile no true Christian gentleman orlady will rudely order us thus "Send methe paper," none on the other handshould feel that they are begging of thepublisher in accepting this offer. Theyare merely accepting through us one ofGod's numberless blessings. If you appreciatethe food found in the TOWERand cannot pay 50 cents a year, youmust not be ashamed to receive it of theLord gratis--this would indicate prideand such pride must sooner or latergive way, if you ever receive the greater"gift of God--everlasting life--throughJesus Christ our Lord," who gave himselfa ransom for all. Let us rememberthat it is all of God--His gift throughwhomsoever, or in whatever way, it issent.====================R730 : page 8"DILIGENCE in Christ's service is asure method of gain and growth in grace."----------

"A WISE man ought to hope for thebest, be prepared for the worst, and bearwith equanimity whatever may happen."----------"You censured your friend for hisseeming coldness and indifference in histreatment of you in your time of extremegrief and trial. You did not know thenthat he was wrestling with a similar, oreven greater trial. 'Now we know inpart.' We therefore should judge charitablyand moderately the conduct ofothers."====================

are advised that the steamer is not yetrunning between Cedar Keys and Disston,therefore the best route, at present,is via Jacksonville, Sanford and Tampato Pinellas.====================R706 : page 8THE LORD'S POOR LIST.As stated in our TERMS on first page,we send this paper free to all who cannotpay for it and apply to be entered on theLORD'S POOR LIST. Such should applyat the beginning of each year, that we maybe assured of their continued interest.Modesty is a Christian virtue, andwhile no true Christian gentleman orlady will rudely order us thus "Send methe paper," none on the other handshould feel that they are begging of thepublisher in accepting this offer. Theyare merely accepting through us one ofGod's numberless blessings. If you appreciatethe food found in the TOWERand cannot pay 50 cents a year, youmust not be ashamed to receive it of theLord gratis--this would indicate prideand such pride must sooner or latergive way, if you ever receive the greater"gift of God--everlasting life--throughJesus Christ our Lord," who gave himselfa ransom for all. Let us rememberthat it is all of God--His gift throughwhomsoever, or in whatever way, it issent.====================R730 : page 8"DILIGENCE in Christ's service is asure method of gain and growth in grace."----------

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