1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


e inhabited.""And still new beauties do we see,And still increasing light."Let every child of God dig for thesetreasures of divine truth, long buried bydivine wisdom, for our present comfortand joy, and proclaim to the world theblessed assurance that its paradise isto be restored, and that the great Restoreris soon to begin the glorious work.Truth on every subject, has alwaysmet with opposition. Science and philosophyhave had to contend for everyinch of footing gained. The use of thetelescope and microscope were oncecondemned as improper, prying intoGod's secrets. And none the less is thesearching of the Scriptures, this makinguse of the Divinely-given telescope andmicroscope, opposed to-day on the verysame ground--an improper prying intothe mysteries of God. Blinded indeedis that child of God who cannot discernsuch sophistry, and the dark sourcefrom whence such suggestions come.Does our Father give us a revelation ofhis will and purposes, and forbid ourstudy of it? Let us search and see, andbe filled with the spirit and inspirationof these blessed truths; so shall we beenabled to run joyfully and with patiencethe race set before us.MRS. C. T. R.====================R717 : page 7THE PROPHETIC ASPECT.Babylon is fallen, is fallen. Rev. 14:8; 17:5;18:2. His watchmen are blind: they are allignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannotbark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.Yea, they are greedy dogs which never can haveenough, and they are shepherds that cannotunderstand: they all look to their own way,

every one for his gain. Isaiah 56:10,11.The words here used by the Prophetand Revelator to describe the last orLaodicean (Rev. 3) stage of the gospelhouse and her ministers (watchmen)are evidently now fulfilling in the demoralizedcondition of the nominalchurch, and in her culpable negligenceand wilful ignorance of the character ofGod, and the plan of redemption. Thisis shown by the tenacity with which sheholds to theories of the dark ages establishedon false premises, borrowed fromheathen fables without a shadow offoundation, and out of harmony or indirect conflict with positive Scripturetestimony; and more recently by theendorsement and adoption of Evolutionand other devices of Satan which ignoreby inference or positive statement thefall of man and his redemption, and yetprofessedly and with great inconsistencymaintain that the Scriptures are theword of God, as was done recently bythe directors of a Presbyterian TheologicalSeminary, as reported in theToledo Blade, which we quote below:EVOLUTION ENDORSED BYPRESBYTERIANS.Report of Dr. Woodrow's Address--The Creation of Adam--Four Synodsto Adjudicate the Matter.COLUMBIA, S.C., Sep. 20.--The annualmeeting of the Board of Directorsof the Theological Presbyterian Churchhas adjourned. The directors had anexhaustive discussion of the recent addressof Prof. James Woodrow on"Evolution," which has attracted somuch attention and discussion, andwhich consumes a large portion ofnearly every Presbyterian publication inthe United States, and especially its

every one for his gain. Isaiah 56:10,11.The words here used by the Prophetand Revelator to describe the last orLaodicean (Rev. 3) stage of the gospelhouse and her ministers (watchmen)are evidently now fulfilling in the demoralizedcondition of the nominalchurch, and in her culpable negligenceand wilful ignorance of the character ofGod, and the plan of redemption. Thisis shown by the tenacity with which sheholds to theories of the dark ages establishedon false premises, borrowed fromheathen fables without a shadow offoundation, and out of harmony or indirect conflict with positive Scripturetestimony; and more recently by theendorsement and adoption of Evolutionand other devices of Satan which ignoreby inference or positive statement thefall of man and his redemption, and yetprofessedly and with great inconsistencymaintain that the Scriptures are theword of God, as was done recently bythe directors of a Presbyterian TheologicalSeminary, as reported in theToledo Blade, which we quote below:EVOLUTION ENDORSED BYPRESBYTERIANS.Report of Dr. Woodrow's Address--The Creation of Adam--Four Synodsto Adjudicate the Matter.COLUMBIA, S.C., Sep. 20.--The annualmeeting of the Board of Directorsof the Theological Presbyterian Churchhas adjourned. The directors had anexhaustive discussion of the recent addressof Prof. James Woodrow on"Evolution," which has attracted somuch attention and discussion, andwhich consumes a large portion ofnearly every Presbyterian publication inthe United States, and especially its

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