1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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shows the blessedness of that restoredestate--perfect manhood--and thenecessary discipline to lead the race toit; the judgments of God in the punishmentsof the wicked for their correction,and rewarding the righteous; and thedoom pronounced against present evilsystems, ecclesiastical, civil, and social,which, defying the power of the Almighty,bind and oppress mankind.These microscopic views disclose tothe vision of faith a physical earth thatshall be man's Paradise restored--"Thewilderness and the solitary place shallbe glad...and the desert shall rejoiceand blossom as the rose. It shall blossomabundantly and rejoice even withjoy and singing. The glory of Lebanonshall be given unto it, the excellencyof Carmel and Sharon....Andthe parched ground shall becomea pool, and the thirsty land springs ofwater." It points to the fact that allobstacles shall be removed from the wayto holiness--"No lion shall be there,nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon;it shall not be found there, but theredeemed shall walk there." It showsthat all eyes and ears shall be opened toreceive the truth, to be instructed in theright ways of the Lord--"Then theeyes of the blind shall be opened, andthe ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.Then shall the lame leap as a hart, andthe tongue of the dumb sing."It tells of the joyful progress of mankindtowards perfection under that wisebeneficent reign of Christ--"And theransomed of the Lord shall return andcome to Zion with songs and everlastingjoy upon their heads; they shall obtainjoy and gladness, and sorrow and sighingshall flee away." (Isa. 35.)Thus these microscopic views revealthe blessed transformation which notonly awaits mankind, but which alsoawaits the earth, which was "made to

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