1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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US as members of his church--the "eternalweight of glory" to be shared by us,his joint-heirs. And indeed this is thechief object and value of these glorioustelescopic visions of the divine purpose;and that we may be encouraged to pursuethe narrow way to its end, we shouldtake frequent observations. Astronomers,as they study the material universe,become completely absorbed in it, andseem to live in an atmosphere and befilled with a joy above other men; buthow much more inspiring are the viewswhich we have been permitted to take,and the wonderful truths and calculationsdeduced from them! Here is ascience which towers above every other,and a philosophy which, divinely directed,probes the hitherto hidden thingsof God.But none can enter the watch towerof Zion, or use the divine telescope, whodo not come with meek and teachablespirit, with consecrated hearts, and astudent's purpose to know the truth.To such the Lord will blessedly disclosethe riches of his grace.But what of the microscope? Thusfar we have only been glancing brieflyat the telescopic visions of God's Word;but what, in comparison, we may termthe microscopic views, also wondrouslydeclare the glory of God. They declarehis glory most emphatically to the naturalman, for they are such as the naturalman can more readily grasp and accept.These relate to the natural man,and his restoration to human perfection.The telescopic views are chiefly for thoseR717 : page 7who are "new creatures" and heirs togetherwith Christ. We turn the telescopeheavenward, the microscopeearthward; and the latter discloses thepromises of restitution. Close examination

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