1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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The Father's delight is in the Son, andthe Father's glory is manifested in him.Yet just as truly does it teach that it isJehovah's work, since it is his plan andpower exercised through his Son.Leaving our observations of hiscreative work, we turn to view thegreat plan for the discipline and developmentof his intelligent creatures. Wehave seen that all were created perfect,yet free to choose good or evil, and thatfor wise and benevolent purposes inGod's economy, evil has been permittedto run its dreadful course in the humanrace and among some of the angels.We see also that the great plan forhuman redemption and restoration, is sofar reaching in its results as to finallysettle the great controversy betweengood and evil for all time and for allcreatures. Evil is now permitted toexist and flourish for purposes of disciplineand development, and when thisis accomplished it shall be forever banished,never again to mar the face ofGod's finished work.If God's creative work declares hisglory, with at least equal force, will hiswork of discipline and development declareit when fully comprehended.But again, leaving these observations,turn your telescope to the still more distantfuture. Dimly outlined because ofits greater distance, the glorious futureof eternal blessedness bursts upon ourenraptured vision, beginning at the closeof the millennium with the great jubileeof jubilee--the jubilee of the universe--when Christ shall have put all enemiesunder his feet. 1 Cor. 15:25.Having taken these telescopic observationsof the outlines of God's greatplan, we note the order of its development,and from the data furnished in theScriptures, and our observations of passingevents, we are enabled to computethe distance in time, even to the final

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