1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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no interest except as matters of jest andridicule, but which by the consecratedBible student are found to contain concealedlinks of truth which form parts ofthe one unbroken chain of the divinetestimony.In the present time the Bible provestherefore to be of special interest andprofit, only to consecrated students, andvain is the hope of converting the worldby opening its pages before eyes blindedby prejudice and pride. Within thepresent century, Bibles have been printedby the million and scattered over theworld like autumn leaves, but they arenot read by the million, and they are notstudied even by those who are so zealouslyengaged in the commendablework of publishing them. All exceptconsecrated saints are in profound ignoranceof the mass of its precious truth.Is it then asked, How is the world to bebrought to a knowledge of the truth?We answer, through the agency of theliving teacher. By this means, eitherdirectly or indirectly, the first interest isalways awakened. It has been so in thepast; it is so in the present, and it willbe so in the future. And for this reasonGod has never left himself without aliving witness in the world. Paul said,How shall they hear without a preacher?(Rom. 10:14.) And again he said, "Yeare our epistle known and read of allmen." The world will read the livingepistles, when they will not read thewritten one.For this reason Jesus said, "Ye arethe salt of the earth," and again, "Yeare the light of the world"--"Let yourlight shine." If men see our light, theywill in time believe in it, and will be attractedto the fountain whence we receivedit--the word of God. This explainswhy the Scriptures are directedso expressly to the saints. The greatProphet, or Teacher of the next age--

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