1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


None need, however, to remain long in doubt, for it is plainlyenough marked out in God's Word; and though the ministers ofdarkness be vigilant in their endeavors to captivate, only theunwary will be led astray.Prophecy declares, referring to the Anointed, Thou wilt show methe path of life (Psa. 16:11); and Paul teaches that Jesus, to whomthe Father first revealed this way, has brought it to light through theGospel. (2 Thess. 1:10.)Now all believers have it plainly made known to them, both by theteaching and example of him who declared himself the way, thetruth, and the life. (John 14:6.)As this is a prize never until the Gospel Age placed within the reachof any, and as Scripture teaches that it is attainable only during thisage; it is of the utmost importance that all who desire it shouldstrive lawfully.What then are the teachings of the Prince of Life regarding itsattainment? What course did he pursue to reach his exaltedcondition, viz., partaker of the Divine nature?Let him speak.He that would be my disciple, let him deny himself and take up hiscross and follow me. (Matt. 16:24.)However contrary the desires of the flesh may be to "the law of theSpirit of life," this law must have supreme jurisdiction, and theythat are Christ's must crucify the flesh with the passions anddesires: (Gal. 5:24--Diaglott), must present their bodies a livingsacrifice, (Rom. 12:1.) Not the sinful propensities of the depravednature alone must be subdued; the life to which we are justified byour faith in Jesus' ransom must be laid down, even as he laid downhis life. (John 10:18.) We thus account that we are "crucified withChrist." While the Head only was actually put to death on Calvary,all the members of his body reckon themselves crucified with him;and all drink of the cup of which he drank, and all are baptized withthe baptism with which he was baptized.Though eighteen centuries have elapsed since Jesus trod the path,his footsteps have not grown dim, but are as plainly visible to-dayas when Paul and his fellow-disciples sought and found the way.Jesus' self-denial meant the free surrender of all his natural rightsand all his ambition as a man among men. It meant therelinquishment of all desires to accomplish his beneficent work byany methods that might glorify himself; and a complete surrenderof his own will to that of the Father. His prayer was, Father, glorifythy name. (John 12:28.)Need we wonder that he spent long nights in prayer andcommunion with the Father that he might receive strength to holdsteady to a purpose on which hinged such momentous issues--tothus open and "consecrate a new and living way"? Can we wonder

that Jesus declared, Few there be that find the way of life? Thatmany that have followed blind guides will be doomed to bitterdisappointment, we have conclusive evidence. (Matt. 7:23.)Let none shrink or turn aside for a less rugged way, but exclaimingwith the poet,"His track I see, and I'll pursueThe narrow way till him I view,"let each make new resolves and take fresh courage, knowing thatthe crown is almost in view.R747 : page 6Tho' the night be dark and dreary,Tho' the way be long and weary,Morn shall bring the light and cheer;Child, look up, the morn is near.Tho' thine eyes are sad with weeping,Thro' the night thy vigils keeping,God shall wipe thy tears away,Turn thy darkness into day.Tho' thy Spirit faints with fastingTho' the hours so slowly wasting,Morn shall bring a glorious feast,Thou shalt sit an honored guest."====================S. T. TACKABURY.JESUS was made perfect as a man; for as such he was perfect, elsehe could not have been our ransom. One imperfect being could notredeem other imperfect beings. As shown in the typical sacrificesfor sin under the law, the sacrifice must be without blemish. So,too, with the antitype--the real sin-offering --the Lamb of God, thattook away the sin of the world, was perfect without a singleblemish--"a lamb without spot." (Heb. 2:10.)R814 : page 7====================ZION HEARD AND WAS GLAD."Zion heard and was glad; and the daughters of Judah rejoicedbecause of thy judgments, O Lord."--Psa. 97:1-8.So says the Psalmist speaking prophetically. Taking a standpointfuture, and looking back, he tells how Zion and Judah were made torejoice by some special tidings of great joy. Was it the tidings of along promised Messiah for whom the world had been looking forfour thousand years, now found in Bethlehem? This was goodnews, but not the tidings referred to. Was it the message that thesacrifice is accomplished which has procured man's redemption?That is the foundation of all their hope, but that is not the special

None need, however, to remain long in doubt, for it is plainlyenough marked out in God's Word; and though the ministers ofdarkness be vigilant in their endeavors to captivate, only theunwary will be led astray.Prophecy declares, referring to the Anointed, Thou wilt show methe path of life (Psa. 16:11); and Paul teaches that Jesus, to whomthe Father first revealed this way, has brought it to light through theGospel. (2 Thess. 1:10.)Now all believers have it plainly made known to them, both by theteaching and example of him who declared himself the way, thetruth, and the life. (John 14:6.)As this is a prize never until the Gospel Age placed within the reachof any, and as Scripture teaches that it is attainable only during thisage; it is of the utmost importance that all who desire it shouldstrive lawfully.What then are the teachings of the Prince of Life regarding itsattainment? What course did he pursue to reach his exaltedcondition, viz., partaker of the Divine nature?Let him speak.He that would be my disciple, let him deny himself and take up hiscross and follow me. (Matt. 16:24.)However contrary the desires of the flesh may be to "the law of theSpirit of life," this law must have supreme jurisdiction, and theythat are Christ's must crucify the flesh with the passions anddesires: (Gal. 5:24--Diaglott), must present their bodies a livingsacrifice, (Rom. 12:1.) Not the sinful propensities of the depravednature alone must be subdued; the life to which we are justified byour faith in Jesus' ransom must be laid down, even as he laid downhis life. (John 10:18.) We thus account that we are "crucified withChrist." While the Head only was actually put to death on Calvary,all the members of his body reckon themselves crucified with him;and all drink of the cup of which he drank, and all are baptized withthe baptism with which he was baptized.Though eighteen centuries have elapsed since Jesus trod the path,his footsteps have not grown dim, but are as plainly visible to-dayas when Paul and his fellow-disciples sought and found the way.Jesus' self-denial meant the free surrender of all his natural rightsand all his ambition as a man among men. It meant therelinquishment of all desires to accomplish his beneficent work byany methods that might glorify himself; and a complete surrenderof his own will to that of the Father. His prayer was, Father, glorifythy name. (John 12:28.)Need we wonder that he spent long nights in prayer andcommunion with the Father that he might receive strength to holdsteady to a purpose on which hinged such momentous issues--tothus open and "consecrate a new and living way"? Can we wonder

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