1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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"my Father is greater thanall" (John 10:29), and many otherscriptures."To us there is one God, the Father,of whom are all things, and we untohim, and one Lord Jesus Christ throughwhom are all things, and we throughhim" (1 Cor. 8:6), and if there be onehundred and forty-four thousand heirsof God, and joint heirs with Christ(partakers with him of the divine nature),yet all these may be one, in harmonywith the Father, but not in person, astaught by the creeds of men.WM. C. MACMILLAN.====================R715 : page 5SUGGESTIONS TO BIBLE STUDENTS.A brother writes, inquiring, "Fromwhat source are the meanings of theBible symbols derived?" and says hecannot get away from their wonderfulaptness and the remarkable light theythrow on the word, but that he cannotalways trace their derivation. And againhe inquires, "How do you know whichis symbolic and which literal? Wheredoes the one end and the other begin?"These queries suggest to us the proprietyof calling attention to severalitems which we think should be observedby students of the Scripture:First, we should remember that theScriptures were intended to be the theologicaltext book, and the statement andinterpreter of divine law for all theworld; that it was written from a standpointof scientific knowledge and propheticforesight beyond the knowledgeof men either in the past or present,and that, what is prophecy to one agebecomes history to a future age. It wasnot God's purpose to disclose all his

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