1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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whose voice they both recognize, they resign all visible means ofsupport for themselves and five young children, relying simply andonly on the Lord's promise and their own honest hearts and willinghands to supply their necessities in whatever way he may indicate,assured that his promises never fail.May the Lord give grace and strength to these and all the anointedones, that they may be enabled to run with patience to the end ofthe brief course of sacrifice, and afterward crown them with eternalglory.R807 : page 2====================EXTRACTS FROM INTERESTING LETTERS.Torkard, England.MY DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--The Lord has graciouslyprovided me with a "companion." It happened in this wise. I wasstaying for a week at a "convalescent home." There were sixtyinmates; but my way was not opened to do work until the daybefore I came away I put a copy of "Food" into an old gentleman'shand, asking him to read it and if he liked it to send to me hisopinion upon it. A week or two after I was made aware that theseed had been dropped in splendid ground. The old gentlemancannot tell his thanks; says it is what he has been looking for formany years. He has seen much of the "Behind the Scenes" life ofthe churches--Methodist, especially; he was sick at heart and almostan infidel. The only hope he could hold out to himself was thatthere must be a God: but he couldn't see that God was a lovingFather. Now if you could see the joy and gratitude that lights up hiscountenance you would be repaid for all the labor you have beenprivileged to perform, and yet I doubt not he is one of a goodlynumber. His life he says is lit up with a new light. He can feel theRock underneath his feet at last--he has been trying to find this formany years. Now he is fully satisfied that the Lord is good, that"God is love." He sorely wants to get hold of Young'sConcordance, and so do I. Can't you send them over? If they cost adollar postage it will be much cheaper than we can get them here. Ifyou can, please do so. Enclosed you will find P.O. If they cannot besent you must put the money to anything you think well. Onlyplease send word what can be done, if you possibly can.Now we want very badly to know what "plan" you have in hand forthose who have time on their hands. Brother __________ has all hisand wants very much to get to some definite work although he hasnot by any means been idle since reading "Food" and "Tabernacle."I have loaned him my papers for back years. He will write to youhimself directly when we hear from you.I am so thankful for a companion to correspond on points dealt within TOWER, &c. It is a grand means of establishing one, almost all

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