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1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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after age, and now he has sent his Anointed, the great source oflight, and soon the blessed rays of light shall flood the world. It isonly obscured now by the clouds and darkness that are round abouthim; but even through the darkness comes the lightning flashes ofhis truth. MRS. C. T. R.R786 : page 6====================HUMILITY WELL DEFINED.To be humble is not to think meanly of one's self. Christ washumble; but he knew he was Lord and Master, and told his disciplesso. To be humble is, knowing your character and abilities, to bewilling to take a lower place, and perform a menial service. Aprivate may know more than his superior officer; he is humble if,knowing that, he is willing to work faithfully under him.----------R786 : page 6THE world is preparing day by day for the Millennium, but youdo not see it. Every season forms itself a year in advance. Thecoming summer lays out her work during the autumn, and buds androots are fore-spoken. Ten million roots are pumping in the streets;do you hear them? Ten million buds are forming in the axils of theleaves; do you hear the sound of the saw or the hammer? All nextsummer is at work in the world; but it is unseen by us, and so thekingdom of God cometh not with observation.--Sel.R802 : page 6====================GROWING IN GRACE.Bristol, England.MY DEAR BROTHER:--Your letter of Aug. 28th came duly, forwhich receive my warmest thanks. I was both strengthened andrefreshed by it. Just at the time it arrived I was well nigh weary of"the way," fightings without and fears within; finding that when Iwould do good, evil is present with me, and being defeated atnearly every point. I find now that I had left my place of security --abiding in him--and therefore was exposed to the wiles and maliceof the enemy. My armor was not firmly buckled on; but he has sotenderly and lovingly quickened me through your letter andrestored unto me the "joy of his salvation," and is now upholdingme, that I am as a giant refreshed and more conscious than ever thathe that watcheth over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. Blessed behis name.I inclose a pamphlet for your perusal, and will tell you why I wroteit. I was a member of the "Brethren," and as such used occasionally

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