1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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It is small, but it is empty,And that's all it needs to be.So to the fountain he took it,And filled it full to the brim;How glad was the earthen vessel,To be of some use to him.His own hand had drawn the water,Which refreshed the thirsty flowers;But he used the earthen vessel,To convey the living showers.And of itself it whispered,As he laid it down once more;Still will I lie in his pathway,Just where I did before.Close would I keep to the Master,Empty would I remain;And, perhaps, some day he may use meTo water his flowers again.--Selected.====================R797 : page 3THE PROVINCE OF PRAYER.This article is suggested by a letter at hand in which the Brothersays: "I have read the articles, 'Our Mediator,' 'Our Access to Godthrough the one Mediator,' 'An Advocate with the Father,' in the lastTOWER. I was much pleased, both with the logical reasoning andthe Scriptural evidence adduced," but he adds, "that he is at a losshow to harmonize those teachings with the command to 'Pray foryour enemies,' 'Pray ye--Thy kingdom come,' and Paul's exhortationto 'Pray for all men --for kings,' etc." The Brother asks: "Is not theprinciple the same in all prayer--'Imperfect human beingsattempting to direct the All-wise Jehovah?'" We answer:There can be no doubt that for the ignorant and weak finite beingsto attempt to use prayer or any other agency to thwart the plans andchange the arrangements of the Almighty, and to attempt to instructthe All-wise, would be improper. Such cannot be the province ofprayer. This we hold to be an axiom. But if this be beyond itsscope, what is the purpose and intent of prayer; what are itsprivileges and its limits?The privilege of praying to God, of holding communion with him,is a great privilege and an evidence of his favor. God permits andarranged to grant us this privilege, not that he might be informed ofour desires, for we being imperfect our desires are not perfect, sothat "we know not what things to ask for as we ought," and he doesfor us better than we know how to ask or think. Nor does God

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