1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


Jesus, "the Anointed one, did not glorifyhimself to become a High-Priest," buthe has "been declared by God a High-Priestaccording to the order of Melchisedec."(Heb. 5:5,10, Diaglott.)Jehovah honored him by inviting himto that position, and giving him all powerto fill it. In harmony with God's plan,not only has Jesus, his anointed one,been chosen as the Chief or High-Priest,but the "little flock" who follow him insacrifice now are called to be "jointheirs" with him in the same honor. Ifwe suffer with him we shall also beglorified together.Jesus alone is the priest, but when redeemedby his death and associatedwith him in sacrifice now, and in divinepower hereafter, we are counted in withhim, and together with him constitutethe great prophet, priest and kingpromised to bless the groaning creation--the seed of promise.From these considerations it shouldbe plain to all that the real priest is justas truly a king, in whose hand absolutepower is vested. And in looking backto the types or illustrations God hasgiven us, we find just such an illustrationin Melchisedec, who was "a priest uponhis throne." Other illustrations of Christas a priest are given in the Aaronicpriesthood, where the special features ofthe redemptive sacrifice are shadowedforth--its perfection, its completeness,its acceptableness, as also the sharewhich the little flock has with him inthat sacrifice.Christ was not constituted a priestafter the Aaronic order. The Aaronicpriesthood sprung from the tribe of Levi,while "our Lord (according to the flesh)sprung from the tribe of Judah, of whichtribe Moses spake nothing concerningpriesthood"; and the members of hisbody are chiefly chosen from among theGentiles. As a man, Jesus was not a

priest, neither as men are the saintsmembers of the royal priesthood, but as"new creatures" they shall hold andexecute their office. Jesus as a "newcreature," "partaker of the divinenature" (which he was from the time ofhis baptism) was the priest, and as apriest he offered up his perfect humannature an acceptable sacrifice to God.He consecrated or offered himself insacrifice before he became the priest, butthe anointing was necessary to enablehim to accomplish the sacrifice as well asto apply its benefits to men. The humannature, when sacrificed, could do nothingmore; it must remain a sacrifice forever;but the new nature, fully developed inthe resurrection, has "all power inheaven and in earth." Matt. 28:18.The new nature (the priest) is not ofthe Aaronic order; it does not trace itslineage to any human source. This factis strikingly typified in the priesthood ofMelchisedec, whose lineage is not recorded,and thus is typified the endlesslife of Christ. In this type the work ofsacrifice is not shown, as he representsthe Christ glorified and reigning after thework of sacrifice has been completed,and the divine nature fully perfected.In Heb. 7, this Melchisedec is declaredto be greater than Abraham, thus showingthat the divine Christ will be greater,and therefore able to bless the "friendsof God" on the human plane."Wherefore he [Christ] is able to savethem to the uttermost, that come untoGod by him, seeing he ever liveth tomake intercession for them. For sucha high priest became us, who is holy,harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners,and made higher than the heavens"[of the divine nature]. Heb. 7:25,26.And this blessed assurance of such apriest, so mighty to save, is confirmedunto us by the oath of Jehovah. (Heb. 7:21;Psa. 110:4.) What strong consolation

priest, neither as men are the saintsmembers of the royal priesthood, but as"new creatures" they shall hold andexecute their office. Jesus as a "newcreature," "partaker of the divinenature" (which he was from the time ofhis baptism) was the priest, and as apriest he offered up his perfect humannature an acceptable sacrifice to God.He consecrated or offered himself insacrifice before he became the priest, butthe anointing was necessary to enablehim to accomplish the sacrifice as well asto apply its benefits to men. The humannature, when sacrificed, could do nothingmore; it must remain a sacrifice forever;but the new nature, fully developed inthe resurrection, has "all power inheaven and in earth." Matt. 28:18.The new nature (the priest) is not ofthe Aaronic order; it does not trace itslineage to any human source. This factis strikingly typified in the priesthood ofMelchisedec, whose lineage is not recorded,and thus is typified the endlesslife of Christ. In this type the work ofsacrifice is not shown, as he representsthe Christ glorified and reigning after thework of sacrifice has been completed,and the divine nature fully perfected.In Heb. 7, this Melchisedec is declaredto be greater than Abraham, thus showingthat the divine Christ will be greater,and therefore able to bless the "friendsof God" on the human plane."Wherefore he [Christ] is able to savethem to the uttermost, that come untoGod by him, seeing he ever liveth tomake intercession for them. For sucha high priest became us, who is holy,harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners,and made higher than the heavens"[of the divine nature]. Heb. 7:25,26.And this blessed assurance of such apriest, so mighty to save, is confirmedunto us by the oath of Jehovah. (Heb. 7:21;Psa. 110:4.) What strong consolation

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