1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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The readings and the findings of the private Christian are often inadvance of the expositions and instructions of the public teacher.When once this fact is fully recognized, the false notion--now allbut universally held--that the one divinely appointed means ofChristian edification is sacred oratory delivered from the pulpit,will be shaken to its foundation. It will then be seen that whilepopular speaking, when effective, is admirably adapted to awakenthe attention of the careless, to interest the young and uninformed,to kindle the affections, and to move to action, it is altogetherunsuited to advanced Christians; is incapable of leading them on todeep personal acquaintance with divine truths; and, after a season,all but certain to become a hindrance to spiritual growth. Thishappens because it is commonly abused by the indolent; because itoccupies in the esteem of multitudes, the place of personalinvestigation, and because, being associated with united worship, italmost inevitably becomes the only living channel of religiousimpression.Nothing is more certain than this,--that whatever wants seem to besupplied to a man while in a passive condition, he will never seek tosatisfy by active service. Yet it is quite as true in religious matters,as it is in everything else, that without labor and discipline, alldirect instruction must be unavailing and useless. The mostelaborate and manifold apparatus can impart nothing of importanceto the passive and inert mind. It is almost as unavailing as thewarmth and light of the sun, and all the sweet influences of theheavens when shed upon the desert sands. Such a mind, even if itbe filled with the results of other men's labors, can only becompared to a well filled granary; it bears no resemblance to thefruitful field, which multiplies that which is cast into its lap athousand fold.Hitherto we have proceeded on the supposition that the teachingthus imparted, although too oratorical, is on the whole, sound andsensible, but that it is not always so, is but too well known. Aningenious twist is often valued more than a true explanation. Thewords ofR797 : page 2the text in such cases merely supply a theme, neither preacher norhearers ever troubling themselves about its meaning. The reason forthis course is, that the text is wanted merely for the purpose ofcommunicating some moral or religious lesson, determined uponbeforehand; or for the support of some cause which the preachermay be pleading, or to condemn some error which he has tocombat.This sort of perversion is bad enough when united, as it often is,with deep earnestness, solid learning, and much oratorical power;but how intolerable it becomes, when combined with ignorance andfolly, vanity and conceit, will be fully admitted by all who havebeen obliged to listen, as too many have, to expositions of

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