1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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The doctrine, in accord with both reason and revelation, which Ifirst heard proclaimed by Bro. Adamson, I have tried to present toothers in the form of "Food" and the TOWER, in written letters, inconversation, and in public speaking, both indoors and on thestreets."I love to tell the story--It did so much for me."Yet I fear I have not done enough though, I have seen a little fruit, Ithink, and some buds which promise fruit "in due time." And onthis very anniversary of the "happy day that fixed my choice,"comes the October "View from the TOWER," with itsencouragement to us when we do not see the result of our labor.In this year I have learned more about the word of God than in allmy life before. He has "opened my eyes, that I may beholdwondrous things out of his law." And what once seemed doubtfulhistory, strange legends, and wonder stories that could not beaccepted, has all become "Wonderful words of life." My dailyprayer is: "O God, teach me thy will, and give me grace andstrength to do it." Yours in the faith, __________.R796 : page 1====================HOW HELPS MAY BECOME HINDRANCESIN BIBLE STUDY.We are not disposed to undervalue means of grace, as they areordinarily termed. In many cases the amount of blessing thusimparted is greater than human arithmetic can calculate; in others, itmay be doubtful whether the apparent benefit is as real as it seemsto be; and in some the influence is unquestionably bad. But as awhole, there can be little doubt that sermonizing, with all itsweakness, is a public benefit, and a mainstay of the religion of ourland, such as it is.Our object is not to depreciate the value of either books or men,regarded as teachers of Divine Truth; it is simply to show howeasily those "helps"--for such they certainly are when rightly used--may become "hindrances" if trusted in without discrimination,--substituted for personal responsibilities,--or merely leaned upon aspillows of indolence.Even of books specially intended to facilitate Scriptureinvestigation, it may be asserted, without paradox, that they aresometimes at once both helps and hindrances; helps in onedirection, hindrances in another.Such we believe to be the case, notwithstanding their acknowledgedexcellencies, with many "critical introductions" to the Bible. Theyhelp by the information they impart; they hinder, by the impressionthey leave that Holy Scripture can scarcely be understood

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