1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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perfect--transferred from the higher plane of a pre-existentcondition,--"In him was life."Hence it is that he alone could redeem mankind. He alone couldgive the ransom or corresponding price. A perfect man had beentried as the representative of a perfect race and had sinned; hadbeen condemned with all in him, and a perfect man alone could bethe ransom. Jesus was a ransom, hence Jesus was a perfect man.Hence perfect men and women could have been born of Eve, asAdam's children, had he not sinned.But our questioner asks, If Jesus was perfect why is it written thathe was "MADE PERFECT through sufferings." (Heb. 2:10.) Weanswer that he was perfect as a man, but was made a perfect "newcreature" of the DIVINE nature through or because he obedientlysuffered death on our behalf. This is more fully elaborated in ourissue of January, '82 under the caption, "Jesus made perfect." See,also, March, '83 issue, "Perfecting the new nature."====================

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