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1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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It follows then, that the Law Covenant was introduced in order thatsin might be recognized in its full enormity; that the individualresponsibility under the new covenant might be illustrated, and thatthe necessity of the help, or mediation of the sacrifice given by theman Christ Jesus, might be shown. Since the Law was not the realnew covenant, but only its type, it follows that in being placedunder it, and being unable to meet its requirements, Israel incurredno additional guilt to that which they in common with all mankindalready were under, incurred through Adam's failure. Hence thebenefits resulting to them, through Jesus' ransom, which cancelledthe old and ratified the New Covenant, is the same exactly as that ofall the rest of mankind. The end of their typical covenant, by theintroduction of its antitype, the new, removed entirely and forever,all the provisions of their typical covenant, whether as seen fromthe above standpoint, it (typically) increased their sin andcondemnation, or whether viewed as a typical favor and blessing; ineither case it passed away totally when the real took the place of thetypical.R792 : page 7====================SPECIAL FAVORS BEYOND THOSE OFTHE NEW COVENANT.The question may arise with some, Do not the Scriptures hold outspecial promises and blessings to Israel above the blessingspromised to mankind in general? And if, as above shown, the NewCovenant applies equally to all men because its Mediator gavehimself a ransom for all, then where come in the special promisesand blessings and favors promised to Israel (as well as to theChristian Church) as the Apostle quotes: "This is my covenant untothem, when I shall take away their sins." (Rom. 11:27.) Does notthis point to special favors, to be fulfilled toward them in thefuture?We answer, that God made his covenant in two parts. One part wasthat he would take away all sin and imperfection, and write his lawagain in the heart of flesh as originally possessed by Adam. Thiswas typified in the Law Covenant, and will be fully realized underthe New Covenant. The other part of God's plan is shown inanother promise or covenant--the Abrahamic Covenant or promisethat, THE SEED OF ABRAHAM should be honored by being usedas an instrumentality in bringing those New Covenant blessings tothe world of mankind.R793 : page 7But though the Abrahamic promise, "In thee and in thy seed shallall the families of the earth be blessed," was made before the formalannouncement of the New Covenant, yet it was made dependent onthe ratification of the New Covenant, since none could be "blessed"

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