1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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since heard and accepted have had the privilege, while others, thegreat mass of the race for whom the ransom was given, will cometo "see" and "hear" only after the Prince of darkness shall be boundand the Sun of righteousness shall have risen with healing in hiswings, bringing blessings and restoration, mentally and morally aswell as physically, to all the blind, deaf and lame. Then they shallhear and all shall know, and thus be enabled to avail themselves ofevery blessing provided under the New Covenant, even to lifeeverlasting, as a reward of obedience everlasting.Thus seen, the ONE Mediator, the man Christ Jesus was sufficient,and the mediation accomplished by him when he gave himself aRANSOM was abundant, and therefore the way of access to Godand to everlasting life, stands open wide to every sinner who shalleither now, or in the next age, see by faith the sacrifice, and graspby faith the ransom and the mediation accomplished in it.Then take away the hindrances and let sinners come to God. Putaway the false idea of Jesus standing before the throne of Godpleading for the sinners as though God were unjust and unwilling togrant the favors which he himself had arranged for by the sacrificeof his Son. Take away priests, and saints, and virgin; take awayyour mourners benches and your unscriptural prayers which onlyhinder the sinner. And instead of praying with him or for himinstruct him; point him to the strait road, the open way to life. Givehim full assurance of your faith, making very plain to him thegreatness and all-sufficiency of the ransom given and the mediationcompleted, FINISHED at Calvary.R791 : page 6Dear dying Lamb thy precious blood,Shall never lose its POWER,'Till all the RANSOMED ones of earthAre saved from Satan's power.====================AN ADVOCATE WITH THE FATHER,INTERCEDING FOR US."If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, JesusChrist the righteous, and he is the propitiation [satisfaction] for oursins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world."1 John 2:1.This passage is supposed to favor the thought, that when comingto the Father, the glorified Jesus must act as an ambassador oradvocate with the Father, to plead for our acceptance andf<strong>org</strong>iveness. This we have already shown to be contrary to reason aswell as contrary to the spirit and word of God. How then is thisstatement of John's to be understood? We answer that when thisstatement concerning the advocate is taken in connection with thecontext, all is clear and plain. The evidence of our ransom,

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