1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


Yours in Christ, __________.page 2Mitchell Co., N.C., Sept. 29, '85.DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--A suggestion in your last numberof WATCH TOWER to those having time to invest in the Master'sservice at the eleventh hour, caught my eye and moved my heart, asI had been asking the Lord to open up the way that I might beenabled to do more effectual work in his vineyard. Not that I havebeen idle or careless about the "glad tidings of great joy which shallbe to all people," or of the Church's glorious position, either; as Ihave been lecturing on these glorious themes for some time pastuntil this summer, when the powers of darkness became somewhatalarmed, taking possession for the present, but it is only for thepresent, for they have already whipped themselves.It was after this manner: I had, as a feeble instrument in the handsof the Master, built up a considerable Sunday attendance, onlectures and Bible readings, in a section deserted by alldenominations, but formerly belonging to the Baptists. They saw agood chance to reorganize their church and Sabbath school, whichthey did, offering me the superintendent's place if I would jointhem. Telling them I was not for sale, of course they left me "out inthe cold." Many were dissatisfied with the proceedings and causedconsiderable interruption, so much so, that they now have noSabbath school and very seldom any preaching.Their preacher passed my house today and told me that perhaps hewould leave this fall, not having been here quite twelve months.Truth will prevail. He sees there are impressions of God's eternaltruth so deeply rooted that he will either have to submit to it orleave.I was lecturing on the Millennium and God's promises to the Jews,when by a strange circumstance I fell in with your Sample Copy ofZ.W.T. This has been over two years since. I was led by God'sWord to see that there are deeper and richer blessings for the churchand world than held out by the sects. Praying for more light onthese glorious truths, the Lord sent your publications. It would bestrange to you indeed, if you could know the harmony in ourteachings before I saw your views, or heard of them. But I only hadthe outlines until the Lord brought us together. O then, what lightindeed, rayed forth from "ZION'S WATCH TOWER."Ever since I have been circulating your publications and lecturing.In this and the adjoining county deep impressions have been madeand I feel confident will show fruit in God's "due time." TheMethodists and Baptists prevail in this country, and held strongantagonism until the true light burst forth; since, they have become

alarmed and are holding meetings together. Pilot and Herod weremade friends in condemning the Lord of Glory. Strange coincidentwith his first rejection! It is only a question of time, when the waywill be open for more successful labor. Patience for the Lord's "duetime," is what we all, perhaps, are deficient in. May we "letpatience have her perfect work."I have engaged a school, but am not bound for any definite period; Ionly take it while waiting for the Lord to open up something inwhich I can serve him better. If he has directed through you in the"plan" mentioned in last TOWER we will shortly "know of hiswill." I wish to stand ready for whatsoever and whenever he maycall me.Being aware of the great value of time with you, and the vastimportance of the glorious work in which the Lord has called you,makes me feel as an intruder by writing so much, but I cannot closewithout giving you an expression of my feelings and desires as aco-worker in the closing gospel harvest of the age, which indeed "isripe" while "the laborers are few."The vast importance of the truth of the millennial glory so thrillsmy whole being, that I could proclaim the "glad tidings fromGreenland's icy mountains to India's coral strand," and "from therivers to the ends of the earth" in honor to the name of Jesus who isriding forth in his majesty.Truly,R784 : page 2Sweetest name on mortal tongue,Sweetest notes in Seraph's song.===================NOT to know evil, that is innocence; but to know evil and choosethe good, that is virtue.----------A WORD spoken pleasantly is a large spot of sunshine on a sadheart; who has not felt its effects? A smile is like the bursting outof the sun behind a cloud to him who thinks he has no friend in theworld.----------TRUE repentance consists in the heart being broken for sin andfrom sin. Some repent, yet never reform; they resemble a mantraveling in a dangerous path, who frequently starts and stops, butnever turns aside.----------"THAT fortitude which has encountered no dangers, thatprudence which has surmounted no difficulties, that integrity whichhas been attacked by no temptation, can best be considered but as

alarmed and are holding meetings together. Pilot and Herod weremade friends in condemning the Lord of Glory. Strange coincidentwith his first rejection! It is only a question of time, when the waywill be open for more successful labor. Patience for the Lord's "duetime," is what we all, perhaps, are deficient in. May we "letpatience have her perfect work."I have engaged a school, but am not bound for any definite period; Ionly take it while waiting for the Lord to open up something inwhich I can serve him better. If he has directed through you in the"plan" mentioned in last TOWER we will shortly "know of hiswill." I wish to stand ready for whatsoever and whenever he maycall me.Being aware of the great value of time with you, and the vastimportance of the glorious work in which the Lord has called you,makes me feel as an intruder by writing so much, but I cannot closewithout giving you an expression of my feelings and desires as aco-worker in the closing gospel harvest of the age, which indeed "isripe" while "the laborers are few."The vast importance of the truth of the millennial glory so thrillsmy whole being, that I could proclaim the "glad tidings fromGreenland's icy mountains to India's coral strand," and "from therivers to the ends of the earth" in honor to the name of Jesus who isriding forth in his majesty.Truly,R784 : page 2Sweetest name on mortal tongue,Sweetest notes in Seraph's song.===================NOT to know evil, that is innocence; but to know evil and choosethe good, that is virtue.----------A WORD spoken pleasantly is a large spot of sunshine on a sadheart; who has not felt its effects? A smile is like the bursting outof the sun behind a cloud to him who thinks he has no friend in theworld.----------TRUE repentance consists in the heart being broken for sin andfrom sin. Some repent, yet never reform; they resemble a mantraveling in a dangerous path, who frequently starts and stops, butnever turns aside.----------"THAT fortitude which has encountered no dangers, thatprudence which has surmounted no difficulties, that integrity whichhas been attacked by no temptation, can best be considered but as

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