1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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have been the smallest; and during the week when two or threemeet for a few minutes we often part with some new thought orreminder of the grandeur of the plan or character of God, and goforth with renewed energy to serve him. I find the experiencevastly different from my previous experience in the nominalchurch, then doubting and fearing with a very indefinite idea ofwhat was future both for the servants of God and those who did notserve him.But now we are glad to see that all shall be taught of God. Lookingat the unfolding plan of God we cannot but see that his ways arehigher than our ways and his thoughts higher than our thoughts.Please send more reading matter. We are gradually findinginterested readers.Your brother in Christ. __________.R786 : page 2Neosho Co., Kan.DEAR BROTHER IN CHRIST:--If I should not be too late pleaseforward a wall chart to my address for which I will pay expresscharges. I expect to return to my own nation in the near future(Cherokee Indians) and I will be more able to make the visionplain. I would send you money to pay for one or two yearssubscription of your paper, the Z.W.T., if I had it; but just now I amso pressed financially that I can scarcely keep my family, but hope Ican do something soon. I preach as often as I can leave home, andride from ten to twenty miles to make known this truth. Pray theLord to bless his poor servant, who once was blind but thank Godthat now I see. I ever remain your brother in the Anointed One.[N.B. The supply of WALL CHARTS is exhausted.]Toledo, Ohio, Sept. 20, <strong>1885</strong>.DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--Again is the welcome Z.W.T. athand. But alas I can not read it any more. [A cataract has beenforming over his sight gradually.] Having it read second-hand, andby those not consecrated however well meaning they be, it has notthe satisfactory result as when read by myself. I am hungry for theglad tidings, but for the present cannot be satisfied and must nowdraw on the store gathered when natural sight was one of theblessings. Please inform me what your plan is for the consecratedones. If I cannot see to read I may find a willing ear to talk to.Hoping you may be able to gather the meaning of thiscommunication, the Lord bless you and be with you in his work ismy prayer.

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