1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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quite common.That the movement is one actuatedby right motives, and measurably in theright direction, we do not question; yet,were these courageous enough to cast offall the slavish fetters of Babylon, and towalk out fearlessly into the libertywherewith Christ hath made them free,trusting in him alone, they would comemuch nearer the true idea of holiness.Holiness means a setting apart, sanctifying,separating from the world, by divineauthority, and for the accomplishmentof the divine purposes. Thatholiness means separation from theworld all will agree, though few consultthe Scriptures sufficiently to know towhat intent the Lord would have themseparate.May we not be separate from theworld and still be far from the narrowpath to which we have been called?The class termed holiness, people generallybelieve that their single aim shouldbe to so subdue sin in themselves as tobe able to stand approved of God, beingin complete conformity to all his requirementsin thought, word and deed.Some claim to have reached this desirableperfection, while others, painfullyconscious of their weakness and discouragedby their repeated efforts andfailures, are almost in despair of everreaching it. And not discerning theLord's purpose in calling them to separationfrom the world, they fall into theerror of looking upon these efforts as ameans to their salvation. Many becomeself-righteous and boastful of their attainments,and consequent hopes of salvation,while the more humble discouragedalmost lose faith in God and entertainbut a faint indefinite hope of salvation.After all the lessons given, it shouldbe plain to all that no imperfect man isable to keep blamelessly God's perfectlaw. The law is the full measure of a

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