1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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me all kinds of medicine, chloral, etc., and the little sleep that theysucceeded in giving me was filled with terrible dreams and agony;but now I slept like a little child.By this time the papers were made out admitting me to the "Homefor Incurables," but lo! Christ had healed me! I wrote to those whohad obtained the permit, and said how wonderfully I was doing, butreceived word to wait until they had seen the Dr. H. who sent me toSt. Luke's; and so I waited until they met, and he told them to allowme to go home, as I was perfectly able to do as I pleased. I was"now no case for any hospital," and three weeks from the day I washealed, I went home alone to surprise my friends. I had writtenthem once, but they did not understand theR784 : page 8full extent, as my thoughts at that time were more on the spiritualblessing.On that beautiful afternoon, as I crossed the threshold of my home,my friends looked upon me very much as Mary and Martha musthave looked upon Lazarus, when he was risen from the dead. Mydear father said, "Allie! Allie! if you had been brought in here inyour coffin to-day I should not have been surprised, but what can Ithink now?" and a neighbor calling him outside, said, "Mr. Cowles,how is Allie?" and he answered, "O, don't ask me! she is so wellthat I do not dare to think or speak of it."God has led me forward, and my faith has grown firmer andstronger as I have witnessed Christ's wonderful power in others.Often have I been told by even good people, "This was a wonderfulgift to you, but do not tell others they can be healed." Ah! their eyesare blinded, and they do not see Christ as a perfect Saviour able tosave to the uttermost.R784 : page 8====================REST--IN GRACE SUFFICIENT.The benediction of undisturbed rest is a blessing sought andeulogized wherever man is known, but experienced by asurprisingly small fraction of the race. Everyone craves rest.Careworn souls, turning away from the vision of weary years oftrial and bereavement to friends upon whom sorrows press butlightly, wonder at the beauties life seems to hold for them, and askthe secret of their peacefulness, enquiring where this rest is to befound. Disappointed hearts, turning from the futile chase for joyswhich kept so near, but just beyond their reach, tantalizing,beguiling, inviting, yet receding faster than the swiftest feet couldfollow, come, breathless and panting, ready at last to relinquish thelong-continued pursuit, and, dropping with weariness, imploringlyask for rest. Beautiful home-circles, long unbroken by the ravages

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