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1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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informed --furnished unto every good work. It is easy to see howgood a structure the spiritual house must be when it is built up ofsuch elect, precious, living stones as these.We presume it was in pursuance of such service as this that Pauland Barnabas retraced their steps in Asia Minor --confirming thesouls of the disciples and confirming the churches. (Acts 14:21-23;15:36-41.) A necessary work; for how else could those who werecalled to holiness and virtue maintain their stand against evil, andgrow up unto Christ?It is true we lack those primitive spiritual endowments so well fittedto qualify for the building up of the Church; but we are notdeprived of their utterances. If the gospel of the grace of God,originally ministered by apostles and evangelists, has been writtenand "set forth in order" that thus we may be taught what was surelybelieved by the first disciples; we are no less fully supplied with"the words of wisdom and knowledge" and even much of "thediscerning of spirits" of the olden times--all faithfully expressed,not in words and sentences of man's wisdom, but in those of theSpirit of God. Therefore to us most precious; the living oracles anddivine testimonies by which we are to be built up, and brought tothe inheritance of the kingdom of God.R781 : page 7The teaching of those inspired Scriptures is inexhaustible; theyfurnish instructive lessons and educative provision for ages ofdisciples and students; possessing a living and growing power likethe other works of God, which forbids them ever becoming stale oruseless. The Word of God has all shades of power, and everypossible degree of fitness. If it is like the thunder blast to split thecedars of Lebanon, it is no less the gentle electric current whichthrills in the telephone; a hammer so heavy as to break in pieces therocks, yet anon so light that its pulsations on the tenderest chords ofthe human heart can elicit sweet music; a two-edged sword piercingeven to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of both joints andmarrow,R782 : page 7yet so delicate a probe as to discern the thoughts and intents of theheart. Wonderful treasure! How can we be poor or void of abilitywhen thus furnished?Whatever we may be short of in our Church needs for building up;it is a great fallacy to look for help to mere professional teachers.We may not have spiritual gifts, neither have they. We may not beable to show any speciality in our call to particular service, neithercan they. They are to be tested simply by experience of their certainor probable utility. Are churches better taught by hirelings? Is itindeed likely that they should be? It is easy to compare the realintelligence of churches with or without "clergy"; and always to thedisadvantage of the former. And it would not be reasonable to

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