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1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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of a woman partook of the woman's nature, i.e., human nature--"ofthe earth earthy." Though retaining all the purity and perfection ofthe pre-existent (spirit) state, the transferred germ of being (inharmony with this law we are examining) partook of the nature ofthe mother and was "made flesh" by being "born of a woman."It is yet further in harmony with this same law or principle thatthough Christ has been highly exalted to the divine nature, and is nolonger human, yet it is declared of Him that he shall be the lifegiveror father of the whole human race, while it is also shown thathis work for the race is to restore the perfection of human naturewhich was lost for all through Adam's sin, thus showing that He asfather will be on the divine plane, while the restored race aschildren of God through Christ will be on the human plane asrepresented in the New Covenant, illustrated by Keturah,Abraham's third wife, in the type. See "Food," page 153.R778 : page 4====================OVERCOMING FAITH."This is the victory that overcometh the world," says the ApostleSt. John, "even our faith." Even so, faith is our victory whereby weovercome the prince of this world. Faith sets the stronger Lion ofthe Tribe of Judah against this roaring lion of the bottomless pit;that delivering lion against this devouring lion. When the soul issurrounded with enemies on all hands, so that there is no way ofescape, faith flies above them and carries up the soul to take refugein Christ, and it is there safe.That is the power of faith; it sets a soul in Christ, and there it looksdown upon all temptations as waves at the bottom of the rock,breaking themselves into foam. When the floods of temptation riseand gather, so great and so many that the soul is even ready to beswallowed up, then it says, "Lord Jesus, thou art my strength, I lookto thee for deliverance; now appear for my deliverance"; and thus itovercomes; the guilt of sin is answered by his blood, the power ofsin is conquered by his Spirit, and afflictions that arise are nothingcompared to these; his love and gracious presence make them sweetand easy.Although, then, thou seest thyself the most witless and weak, andfindest thyself nothing but a prey to the powers of darkness, yetknow, that by believing, the wisdom and strength of Christ arethine; thou art and oughtest to find thyself all weakness, but he is allstrength --mightiness itself. Learn to apply this victory, and so it isthine; be strong in him and the power of his might. But thou wiltsay, "I am often foiled, yea, I cannot find that I prevail at all againstmine enemies; but they still prevail against me." Yet rely on him;he can turn the chase in an instant. Still cleave to him. When thewhole powers of thy soul are as it were scattered and routed, rally

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