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1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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that said: The wages of sin is death. When, therefore, the HighPriest would give a ransom for sinners, it is to Justice that it mustbe paid. Hence the appropriateness of the ceremony of sprinklingthe blood upon the Mercy Seat--upon the PROPITIATORY.Love led to the whole redemptive plan. It was because God soloved the world that he sent his only begotten Son to redeem it, bypaying to Justice the ransom. So Love has been active, preparingfor the redemption ever since sin entered--yes "from before thefoundation of the world." 1 Pet. 1:20."Love first contrived the wayTo save rebellious man."When the Atonement Day sacrifices (bullock and goat) arecomplete, Love tarries to see the results of its plan. As the blood issprinkled, JUSTICE cries, it is enough. It is finished. Then comesthe moment when Love and Power may act and swift they wingtheir flight to bless the ransomed race. When Justice is satisfied,Power starts upon his errand which is co-extensive with that ofLove, using the same agency--Christ.The relationship and oneness of that divine family the Son andBride, represented by the Ark in harmony and oneness with theFather represented by the Cover, is shown in the fact that the MercySeat was the lid of the Ark, and hence a part--the top or head of it.As the head of the Church is Christ Jesus, so the head of the entireChrist is God. (1 Cor. 11:3.) This is the oneness for which Jesusprayed, saying: Father "I pray not for the world, but for those thouhast given me"--"that they all may be one; as thou Father art in me,and I in thee, that they also may be in us--that the world may [then]believe." John 17:9,21.UNBLEMISHED.It is significant also, that any member of the priesthood that had ablemish of eye, hand, nose, foot, or in any way, could not fill theoffice of Priest [High Priest]; neither any man having anysuperfluity, such as an extra finger, or toe. This seems to teach us ofthe perfection of every member of that body-- they are all"overcomers:" and furthermore, it shows that when the body ofChrist is complete, there will be no additions permitted--nosuperfluity. If then, we are called, if we here heard the invitation tobecome members in particular of his Body, and have accepted it, letus seek to make our calling and election (as members of that "littleflock") sure, by so running as to obtain the prize. If we miss theprize some one else will win in our place, for the body will becomplete; not one member lacking, not one superfluous. Take heed"that no man take thy crown." Rev. 3:11.It has been a matter of surprise to some that the glories and beautyof the Tabernacle--its golden walls, its golden and beautifullyengraved furniture, and vails of curious work were so completelycovered and hidden from view of the people; no sunlight from

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