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1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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instrumental in bringing the trouble, and consequent destruction ofthe flesh, upon the "great company" represented by the Scapegoat.In the type, the Day of Atonement thus ended; and typicallycleansed from sin, Israel was reckoned no longer defiled andseparated from God, but now made at-one with God. Justice nolonger condemned, but bade them realize God's reconciled presencein their midst, to bless and protect and direct into the Canaan of restand peace.THE ANTITYPE.In the Antitype, the "Day of Atonement" is this Gospel Age,during which, Jesus and his body, the Church, make sacrifice tojustice, in full satisfaction of the Adamic sin. When the work ofreconciliation is complete, God will recognize mankind and placehis sanctuary among men. Then, will be fulfilled that which waswritten: "The Tabernacle of God (the glorified Church) is with men,and he will dwell with them, and they shall be [become] his people,and God himself shall be with them and be their God. And Godshall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no moredeath, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any morepain, for the former things [reign of Satan, sin and death] are passedaway. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make allthings new." Rev. 21:3-5.But while all these blessings shall result from the establishment ofGod's residence, or sanctuary among men ["I will make the place ofmy feet glorious" --"Earth is my footstool,"] yet its blessing will bea gradual work, requiring the Millennial Age for its fullaccomplishment; i.e., death, pain, and tears will be in process ofdestruction (wiping away), but not completed until the end of theMillennial Age.The gradual process by which man will be brought into perfectionof being and fullness of harmony with Jehovah, is well illustrated inthe typical sacrifices of Israel, made after the Day of Atonement,the antitypes of which will be fulfilled during the next age.To rightly divide and understand these typical sacrifices, it must berecognized, that the present Gospel Age is the day of atonementtoward God for the general sin of mankind; and that all sacrificescoming after the Day of Atonement in type, represents fulfillmentsor antitypes due after the Gospel Age is ended--during theMillennial Age-- when the world of sinners may become reconciledto, or at one with God.Thus we may see that at-one-ment has two parts--first, Justice atone with, and not any longer condemning and killing Adam and hischildren on account of his sin; and secondly, the sinner beingbrought to at-one-ment with God's righteous laws recognizing themand obeying them. The first of these phases of at-one-ment orreconciliation is brought about entirely by the Priest's sacrifice inthe "Day of Atonement sacrifices."*

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