1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


last one will be consumed and the Sin-offering forever ended. Thatwe are now in the close of the "Day of Atonement," and that the lastmembers of the Lord's goat are now on the altar we firmly believefrom evidences elsewhere given. We understand that the door ofopportunity to consecrate for this sacrifice has closed, though thereis still time to carry out the consecration already made. Soon, whentheir sacrifice is consumed, the last members of His Body shall passbeyond the second Vail--beyond the flesh into the perfection of theDivine nature, already commenced in this mortal body. The passingof the second Vail means to the body what it meant to the head; itmeans in the presenting of the "blood" of the goat, what it meant inthe presenting of the blood of the bullock. The body of the Priestpassing the second Vail, bearing the blood of the Goat representsthe passing of the Body of Christ entirely beyond human conditionsinto the perfection of the divine nature when we shall be made likeChrist Jesus who now is the express image of the Father's person.Oh blessed hope! "I shall be satisfied when I awake in Thylikeness," was spoken prophetically for Jesus; and how sublime thepromise that "we shall be like Him." If we may but win this prizefor which we run, then,--Perish every fond ambition,All we've sought of earth or known;Yet how rich is our condition,Heavenly prospects now our own.The Most Holy reached, the evidence of the sacrifice of the BODYfor the people will be presented: as typified by the blood of the goatsprinkled on the Mercy Seat.It will be accepted for "the people" as was that of our gloriousLeader accepted for Himself [his Body] and house; and then thereconciling work is accomplished; sin and condemnation is fullycovered for all. The sprinkling of all shows that the "blood" is fullsatisfaction, and that the work with the Scape-goat which followedwas not part of the Sin-offering and was not needful to complete the"reconciling." Hence in it we must see some other object andsignificance. We read:--"And when he had made an end of reconciling the Holy ["MostHoly"] and the Tabernacle of the congregation [the "Holy"] and theAltar [in the "Court"] he shall bring the live goat: and Aaron shalllay both his hands upon the head of the live goat [Scape-goat] andconfess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel [typicalof the world], and all their transgressions in all their sins, puttingthem upon the head of the goat, and shall send him away by thehand of a fit man [any one convenient] into the wilderness." (Vs.20-22.)As before expressed, we understand that this "Scape-goat" whichpresented itself for sacrifice with the other, but failed to perform it,and to walk in the steps of the bullock, represents a very large classof God's children who have made the same covenant as the others,

viz.: to become dead to the world, and to sacrifice their justifiedhuman nature, but have failed to actually do so.While this "Scape-goat" class has existed throughout this GospelAge, the one goat and the work done with it, at the close of the"Day of Atonement" is representative in a general sense of thedealing with each individual of that company during the age,though it specially illustrates the scape-goat class in the end of theage of sacrifice.Let us look first at God's proposed dealing with members of thiscompany who will be living when the work of Sin-offering iscomplete--the last members of the scape-goat company; and thensee how it will apply to the preceding members of the same class.But let us remind you that we are now dealing with things future;after the "Sin-offering." The Lord's goat is not yet whollyconsumed, consequently the "little flock," represented by the bodyof the Priest, has not yet gone beyond the second "Vail" into thecondition of spirit perfection; and the special work with the living"Scape-goat" is after this.Other scriptures show us (Rev. 7:9,13-17 and 1 Cor. 3:15) that therewill be a "great company" who during this age have entered therace for the grand prize of joint-heirship with Jesus, who fail to "sorun" as to obtain it; and that they, though "castaways" as regards theprize (1 Cor. 9:27), are nevertheless objects of the Lord's affectionand love, who, by his providences in the circumstances of life willcause them to come through "great tribulation" thus accomplishingfor them "the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved inthe day of the Lord Jesus." (1 Cor. 5:5.) Notice, that theyconsecrated their justified human life, and God accepted of theconsecration and reckoned them, according to their covenant, deadas human beings and alive as new--spiritual --creatures. But, bytheir failure to carry out the contract, they are cut off from thePriesthood, from membership in the Body of Christ--"Every branchin me that beareth not fruit, he taketh it away." John 15:2.These are in a pitiable condition; they have failed to win the prize,therefore cannot have the divine nature; nor can they haverestitution to perfect humanity with the world, for in theirconsecration, all human rights and privileges were exchanged fordivine hopes, --for the opportunity to run for the divine nature. Butthough not faithful and not overcomers, the Lord loves them, andwill deliver those who through fear of death, (fear of contempt--fearof the reproach borne by the bullock and goat, beyond the Camp--inthe Wilderness, the separated, or dead condition) were all their lifetime subject to bondage --bondage of fear of men and men'straditions and opinions which always bring a snare, and keep backfrom full obedience to God--even unto death. Heb. 2:15.Through the favor of the High Priest, this great company are to gointo "great tribulations" and have the flesh destroyed. This will notmake of them "overcomers" nor give them membership in the

viz.: to become dead to the world, and to sacrifice their justifiedhuman nature, but have failed to actually do so.While this "Scape-goat" class has existed throughout this GospelAge, the one goat and the work done with it, at the close of the"Day of Atonement" is representative in a general sense of thedealing with each individual of that company during the age,though it specially illustrates the scape-goat class in the end of theage of sacrifice.Let us look first at God's proposed dealing with members of thiscompany who will be living when the work of Sin-offering iscomplete--the last members of the scape-goat company; and thensee how it will apply to the preceding members of the same class.But let us remind you that we are now dealing with things future;after the "Sin-offering." The Lord's goat is not yet whollyconsumed, consequently the "little flock," represented by the bodyof the Priest, has not yet gone beyond the second "Vail" into thecondition of spirit perfection; and the special work with the living"Scape-goat" is after this.Other scriptures show us (Rev. 7:9,13-17 and 1 Cor. 3:15) that therewill be a "great company" who during this age have entered therace for the grand prize of joint-heirship with Jesus, who fail to "sorun" as to obtain it; and that they, though "castaways" as regards theprize (1 Cor. 9:27), are nevertheless objects of the Lord's affectionand love, who, by his providences in the circumstances of life willcause them to come through "great tribulation" thus accomplishingfor them "the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved inthe day of the Lord Jesus." (1 Cor. 5:5.) Notice, that theyconsecrated their justified human life, and God accepted of theconsecration and reckoned them, according to their covenant, deadas human beings and alive as new--spiritual --creatures. But, bytheir failure to carry out the contract, they are cut off from thePriesthood, from membership in the Body of Christ--"Every branchin me that beareth not fruit, he taketh it away." John 15:2.These are in a pitiable condition; they have failed to win the prize,therefore cannot have the divine nature; nor can they haverestitution to perfect humanity with the world, for in theirconsecration, all human rights and privileges were exchanged fordivine hopes, --for the opportunity to run for the divine nature. Butthough not faithful and not overcomers, the Lord loves them, andwill deliver those who through fear of death, (fear of contempt--fearof the reproach borne by the bullock and goat, beyond the Camp--inthe Wilderness, the separated, or dead condition) were all their lifetime subject to bondage --bondage of fear of men and men'straditions and opinions which always bring a snare, and keep backfrom full obedience to God--even unto death. Heb. 2:15.Through the favor of the High Priest, this great company are to gointo "great tribulations" and have the flesh destroyed. This will notmake of them "overcomers" nor give them membership in the

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