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1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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it is true that the sacrifice of the human was not finished until thecross, and that the Divine nature was not fully received until theresurrection, three days later, yet, in God's reckoning--and as shownin this type, the death of Jesus (the bullock) was complete whenJesus presented himself a living sacrifice at baptism--the type of hiscovenant of sacrificial death. There he reckoned himself dead--deadto all human aims or hopes of human glory, honor or life, in thesame sense that we are exhorted to reckon ourselves dead indeed tothe world, but alive as new creatures unto God. Rom. 6:11.This acceptance of Jesus by Jehovah at the time of consecration, asthough dead indeed, was indicated by the anointing with the HolySpirit--the earnest or guarantee of what he should receive whendeath had actually taken place.Thus considered, we see that the death of the bullock typifies theoffering by Jesus of himself when he consecrated himself. This is inharmony with Paul's statement, that when Jesus consecrated saying--"Lo I come [as in the volume of the Scriptures it is written of me]to do thy will, O God"--to die, and redeem many. There he tookaway the first [or set aside, the typical sacrifices] that he mightestablish [or fulfill] the real sacrifice for sin. (Heb. 10:7,9,14.) Yes,there the slaying of the bullock occurred, and the three years ofJesus' ministry show that all human will was dead, and the bodyreckoned so, from the moment of consecration.Jesus the Anointed--filled with the Spirit, was the new, divinecreature (though not perfected as divine--until the resurrection) andthat relationship he always claimed, saying, The works that I do arenot mine [as a man] but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth theworks; The word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's whichsent me. (John 14:10,24.) Not my will [as a man] but thine [Father--the divine] be done, [in and to this earthen vessel consecrated todeath.] Mark 15:36.When the bullock was slain [Jesus consecrated], the work was donein "the Court," which we have seen typified the plane of humanperfection or justification: the condition of faith in and harmonywith God; the highest attainment of the flesh. Jesus was in thiscondition, a perfect man when he offered himself (the bullock in thetype) to God.Bearing in mind these distinctions, let us examine carefully thework of the typical Atonement Day, that we may more clearlyunderstand the reality. Aaron was washed, in order to fitly representthe sinlessness of the "new creature." ("No one who has beenbegotten of God practices sin; because his seed abides in him andhe cannot sin, because he has been begotten by God." 1 John 3:9. --Diaglott.) The new nature cannot sin, and it keeps a constant watchover the old nature reckoned dead lest it come to life again. Aaronwas clothed for the service of the Day of Atonement not in hisusual garments of glory and beauty, but in garments of sacrifice,with the "linen garments," emblems of purity--the righteousness of

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