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1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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oil" has run down "even to the skirts of his garments," anointingevery member. Then he will begin the work of blessing mankind.For the glorious reign of this Kingly Priest, we constantly pray--"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth."CONSECRATING THE PRIESTHOOD.The consecration of the Priesthood (Lev. 8:14,33), was typical ofthe entire consecration of the human nature of Jesus and his body,to the will of Jehovah-- Jesus' obedience even unto death, and theobedience of the members of his body suffering the same with him.The whole body represented by Aaron's sons, as well as the Headrepresented by Aaron himself, are by the antitypical sacrifices beingmade, during the Christian Age, CONSECRATED for their futurework as kings and priests, to restore and rule and bless mankind.When this consecration is made, they have given ALL they had.But their extremity is Jehovah's opportunity, and when they haveconsecrated all they had to destruction and become joint-sacrificerswith Jesus their Redeemer, for the sins of the world, they arebegotten of God to a new nature-- spiritual; and not only so, but tothe highest order of spiritual existence--the Divine nature; and assuch they are owned as spiritual sons of God. Gal. 4:4,7, and 2 Pet.1:4.This type shows these two natures: the higher is represented byAaron and his sons, while the human is represented by a bullock.The bullock for the sin offering was brought "and Aaron and hissons laid their hands upon the head" of it, thus saying, Thissacrifice represents us. From that moment all that happened to thebullock, represents what was to be done to Jesus and to his body,the Church, as human beings. The bullock is delivered up to "theLaw"--(represented by Moses) to meet its demands. To meet thedemands of the law, it must be slain --"And Moses slew it." He thenapplied the blood to the horns of the altar. The "finger" of the"Law" thus pointed out that the altar of earthly sacrifices wasacceptable to God by reason of the shed blood (the life given), andthat all who realize the power of the altar (horns are symbols ofpower) must recognize first the blood which sanctified it. The bloodpoured at the bottom of the altar, shows that through the blood ofthe sacrifice (life given) even the earth was purchased back fromthe curse which sin brought upon it. See Eph. 1:14: "Unto theredemption of the purchased possession."And Moses took the bullock, his hide, flesh, etc., and burned themwith fire without the camp. (v. 17.) Thus the humanity of the Christcomplete--head and body--is made "a sin offering," suffering thedestruction to which the world was doomed, and from which, bythis sacrifice, they shall ultimately be delivered. But while thehuman being is destroyed, as a vile thing, as represented by theburning of the bullock without the camp, God accepts the heartdevotion which prompts the sacrifice, which says, "Lo, I come todo thy will O God;" "I delight to do thy will, O my God." This is

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