1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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typical of qualities and powers of the Great Deliverer --head andbody, which Jehovah discerned looking down into the future to thetime for "the manifestation of the Sons of God," and the fulfillmentin them of his promises.THE HIGH PRIEST IN GARMENTS OF TYPICAL"GLORY AND BEAUTY."And these are the garments...a breastplate, and an ephod, and anupper robe, and a broidered coat, a mitre and a girdle. Exod. 28:4.The linen "coat" represented the High Priest's purity, while itsembroidery showed the outgrowth of that character in works. The"mitre," a strip of fine linen, (typical of righteousness) worn aroundthe forehead, to which was fastened with a blue lacer, the goldenplate or "crown" shows that the crown is righteously his. Upon thegolden plate was inscribed, "Holiness to the Lord," thusproclaiming: This High Priest is entirely devoted to theaccomplishment of Jehovah's purposes. The golden crownproclaims his royalty: He is to be "a priest upon his throne"--"apriest forever after the order of Melchizedek." (Psa. 110:4.) Thelinen "girdle" indicates a righteous servant; linen --righteousness;girdle--servitude.The "upper robe," of blue, represents his faithfulness. The fringe ofit was made of golden bells and pomegranates. The pomegranate,being a choice fruit, showed that the faithful performance of hiswork of sacrifice had borne rich fruit-- the redemption of theforfeited life of the human race. The golden bells signified thatwhen the High Priest appears in glory and beauty, the fruit of thesacrificial work shall be made manifest to all --proclaimed to all theworld, as in the type, the bells proclaimed it to all Israel. This isindicated by the close proximity; the bells drawing attention to thefruit.The "ephod" was made of a cloth of purple, blue, scarlet, white andgold threads; interwoven skillfully and beautifully. It was of twoparts, one hanging in front and the other over the back. These twoparts were fastened together by two gold clasps which rested on theshoulders. This ephod, we believe, typified two covenants: theAbrahamic represented by the front part, and the New Covenantrepresented by the back part, both of which are thus shown to bedependent on this High Priest. They are laid on him; if he fails tosupport them they must fall to the ground. But, thank God, they arefirmly clasped on him by the Gold clasps, (Divine power) as well asbound to him by the "Curious Girdle" --a cord made of the samematerials as the ephod. This girdle seems to say, this is a servant;and as this is the girdle of the ephod it tells us that this one is-- "Themessenger (servant) of the Covenant whom ye delight in." Mal. 3:1.True the Abrahamic Covenant is partially fulfilled in the person ofthe High Priest--who is the Seed, the spiritual seed, which is tobless all. But as we have seen, the Abrahamic covenant has two

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