1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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-"the door" to the "Holy" and "the vail" to the "Most Holy" were ofthe same material and colors.The furniture of the court consisted of but two pieces: the "BrazenAltar" and the "Laver."THE BRAZEN ALTAR.First on entering the gate and immediately in front of it, stood theBrazen Altar. This altar was made of wood and covered withcopper, it was 7-1/2 feet square, 4-1/2 feet high. It had variousutensils belonging to its service--fire pans, called Censers, forcarrying the fire to the Incense Altar; basins to receive the blood;flesh-hooks, shovels, etc.THE LAVER.Next, between the Brazen Altar and the door of the Tabernacle,was the Laver. It was made of polished copper and was a receptaclefor water for the washing of the priests before entering theTabernacle.The furniture of the Tabernacle consisted of a Table, a Candlestickand an Incense Altar in the Holy, and the Ark of the Testimony inthe Most Holy.THE TABLE OF SHEW BREAD.Within the Tabernacle on the right (north) stood the wooden"Table" overlaid with gold, and upon it were placed twelve cakes ofunleavened bread in two rows or piles, with frankincense on top ofeach pile. (Lev. 24:6) The bread was for the priests; it was holy, andwas renewed on the seventh or Sabbath day.THE GOLDEN CANDLESTICK.Opposite the Table was the "Candlestick" made of pure gold,beaten work (hammered out) having seven branches and in eachbranch a lamp. It was the only light in "The Holy," for as we haveseen, the natural light was obscured by the walls and curtains, andthere were no windows.Further on, close up to "the Vail" stood a small altar of wood,covered with gold, called the "Golden Altar" or "Incense Altar." Ithad no fire upon it except as the priests brought it in the censers,which they set in the top of this golden altar, and then crumbled theincense upon it, giving forth fragrant perfume.THE ARK OF THE TESTIMONY.Beyond the vail, in the Most Holy, there was but one piece offurniture--the Ark. It was a rectangular box made of wood overlaidwith gold, having a lid or cover of pure gold called the Propitiatory,improperly translated "Mercy Seat." Upon it (and of the same

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